Legion of Skanks 289 w/ Mark Normand [full episode]

14  2016-12-23 by TheScarletR

The video has no sound for me but apparently it works fine for others so here's links for both in case you have to run them simultaneously:

Video (fixed, whole show) - https://archive.org/download/LoS289Redux/LoS%20289%20redux.mp4

Audio - https://archive.org/download/LoS289WithMarkNormand/Legion




You're like a very kind neighbour who keeps bringing unwanted gifts

Merry Christmas, Everyone


It's not opening on my phone like it usually does, do you have to be on computer or is it just messed up?

EDIT: I got it to work on my tablet but the video is only 43 mins

Thanks, I may have fucked up. I'll edit the post if I can fix it

EDIT: yup, uploaded a partial file like a dope, fixing it now

Another edit: fixed

thank you - you will edit first post or make a new thread once its finished uploading?

I'll edit this one, should be up in about 30 min

thanks dude

Is this only put up to piss off louis?

I dont think he particularly cares. But I can justify paying $6/month a little easier knowing I can share them with the wonderful folks here

thanks m8

edit - for others

if you open video file in firefox audio does not work

it works in chrome though, or if you download file to desktop or wherever and watch it in vlc player

That explains my audio thing, I use firefox



Thanks for the tip sir

Thanks man

Is it true this guy peaked with the strangel bashing

Youre unintentionally hilarious sometimes


People still listen to this shit?
