SHOTS FIRED: Dani Story Coming

109  2016-12-23 by EncinoEscobar


Oh sweet! I can't wait for the next TACS to discover what "Plead Guilty" means in the legal sense, I'm not very knowledgeable in the law you see.

it means he dindonuffin

Personally I'm only well versed in bird law.


Tss tss who's buster and what should I fill 'em with? MY PECKAH?!


We jabber-jaw, we go tit for tat.

If he comes on air and says he didn't do anything then he should just go to fucking trial.

He has a private attorney who can cross examine Dani and grill the fuck out of her if he says shes bullshitting.

He didnt plead guilty to a violation like disorderly conduct. So he had to go on the record and say he assaulted Dani Brand. Might have been an alford plea, in which case he would not, but still its on the record.

Why not an alchrysler plea fellas??

They tried to do Tupac the same way. I'm just sayin' there's a lot of similarities, people.

Are you saying Anthony might want to down to Vegas?

One of his ball lickers on twitter informed me that ant pleading guilty to his charges is the same as pleading guilty to a parking ticket, when the crime was speeding...

You aint even tryin son

I got too cocky, you're right. I can do better.

I got 99 problems but a Vos ain't one

Vos closes by eating out a dude's ass with French dressing now. Queers love it.

does he wear his old short shorts, or did he get a new pair?

The thing is , they're probably both guilty of letting the situation get to where it got. Just like the Times Square incident. I'm sure Anthony will only spill the details that don't make him look bad. Just like the Times Square incident.

Wouldn't fucking his friends daughter already made him look bad

Remember when ck and Jim used to treat her like a child



Ck said everyone wanted to fuck her tits into oblivion the first time they met...

Oh was that her? But she's flat as Kansas.

Maybe he did it

I thought he said they wanted to fuck her diapers off?

They weren't friends. Acquaintances, maybe

Do ya think he'll mention kicking her ribs and strangling her?


Say "Just like the Times Square incident." again.

Two times is just right. I thought of this when I read it, actually.

Well said.

Exactly, no reason to get excited about tranthiny airing his own dirty laundry, it's not happening.

I told you guys he was innocent. He was just taking pictures of scaffolding.

No that was different time Ant fought a woman.

He has a 1 - 1 record for inebriated lady boxing

The fucking New York State commissioner wants to ban the sport

Bleeding heart liberals

2-1 if you include Bobo.

3-1 if you include how he beat up Sue Lightning's asshole.

make that 2-2, you seem to have misunderstood Sue and Anthony's relationship




gonna blame the victim fa la la la

found my gun and gonna shoot the bitch, fa la la la

I dindu nuffin fa la la la

The system is rigged for the woman la la

She was a cunt anyway fa la la la

Turns out you can come up with a pretty good story after a year of thinking about it. She obviously broke her own hand and ribs.

A bee landed on her ribs


She is just batshit enough to do such a thing.

It happened to Brother Joe. Remember the ex wife or gf that smiled at him and then smashed herself in the head with the frying pan and called the cops? aaaaLLEGEDLLYY! (as Opie would say)

Big deal. It'll be like Greggshells. Everyone will tune in to watch then abruptly stop caring again.

Are you implying I shouldn't built my entire month around 5 minutes of drama?

So he's gonna deny wearing mommy's shoes again?

"I was drunk, she was high, it got a little outta control allright?"

"BTW ya gotta check out this Laff-in Episode, Goldie Hawn was a knockout!"

You don't think Ant will take any responsibility for the reckless life he lives?



It was Seinfeld

Tranny fucker also promised to Jocktober Opie right before making up with him. I give Anthony until New Years' before he's back together with Dani.

He should really consider having Opie in when he talks about it. The clips on Youtube of him and Opie talking about his divorce are all pretty good. Opie does a great job pumping his rage.

Your mudda does a good job pumping my peckah



this is the man who brought down a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland. he does not make good decisions

That truck thing was a pretty smart move.

I mean the stuff that we know 100% did happen is shitty enough. I can't wait for him to spin the injuries. So what if she didn't call the cops herself. She was a a retard junkie only with you for the money and easy life.

You don't 100% know he touched her in any way. Women, especially crazy retard junkie women, have been known to lie about things like that

It was a misunderstood case of spontaneous rib and hand fracturing.

Anthony has a firm handshake

I had I cracked rib and hand once. I guess Ant did it huh

He can't keep getting away with it

He must be stopped!!!

She's not exactly of sound mind. And she's an admitted money grabber and user of elderly men.

Sure. But a drunk man throwing her phone about is confirmed by him . She had confirmed injuries. She DID call the cops on him once that night claiming she had bruises on camera before the main 'event' happened. It's not that much of a stretch is it.

She used to get all coked up on her periscope and fall in the city. Just to play devil's advocate, wouldn't that give her bruises? I use to get "blackout bruises" all the time. I too am capable of smashing a phone. It's a pretty simple frame job.

You would make a terrible juror.

I'd jail every fucker i could. The power of that isn't something you get often.

A lot of jumps in conclusions my fine feathered friend

You are why women don't report rape

Shut up gloria

Oops. OK I'll just shift my comment to the woke Mrs Mohr

No one cares what Mr. Nikki Cox has to say about anything

I'm why they do

Hes supporting a culture where domestic violence is accepted as the norm, if you ask me.

If you ask me, that's where we need to get.



I mean the stuff that we know 100% did happen is shitty enough.

For example?

Smashing of each others phones, fucking someone who looked like a ant and talked like a baby and was a kid of a friend

that's ridiculous, anthony would never fuck anyone old enough to be an aunt

He told the cops himself there was a "ruckus" between them. His own fucking words. But I'm sure the x-ray of a broken bone had nothing to do with it. I mean....bitches, right? You know? Fawkin bitches.

I get it, it doesn't look good, but this 100% business is stupid.

We know 100% that a "ruckus" happened. That's great detective work.

We know 100% that a "ruckus" happened.

Did you? control f brought up no hits before I posted it.

Oh shit you got me!


Get off your fucking high horse. This isn't Tumblr, faggot. If Anthony actually did hit that cunt, it makes the situation even more hilarious.

Hey i'm finding this as entertaining as everyone else. I reckon ant did smack her about. That's all.

He's actually tweeting this from inside of a prison, I bet.

He's been there a while and pretaped months of episodes in preparation.

Bud Light stock is sure to double.

That would imply he ever stopped drinking.

I don't think he even stopped in rehab. He kept bringing up how "some people" were sneaking stuff at wal-mart.

"hand sanitizer"

I'd care if his show wasn't garbage and he hadn't pissed away all of the goodwill that hardcore fans had for him over the last year. I hope he marries Dani, she takes him for everything he's worth, and he spends the last few years of his life in a crappy nursing home being abused by fat black women.

To be fair, the O&A fans don't exactly have "goodwill". That's why we're known as pests. The best standing anyone can have with us is to not be viscerally hated.

I wonder if he'll get his cold dead hands back on his guns after this.

He said he's getting them back on the show with Jim and Sam.

Was that in the new NYC studio? Jimmys going to be in every day now.

Shit...guess he was cleared. Santa don't exist.

What are you, twelve??


this would have been interesting 6 months ago. now it's just sad

He'll have a beer in hand, no doubt.

Worth two in the bush.

tssss id rather have 2 busches in my hand!!!

Not bad, Chip.

Booooorrrrrrrringggggg I don't give a fuck booooorrrrrriiiinnnng

If it was so bogus, why did he plead guilty?

Less risk involved

We know what happened: Dani got mad that Ant was fucking a tranny behind her back, and then he stepped on her hand when she brought it up as a way to extort money from him for meth. Also, Anthony drinks too much and behaves similarly to the black criminals he so frequently decrys.

I think they prefer to be called coloreds.

DaniShells free episode?

Just use your old login. Keith is a bumbling idiot.

^ So true!


Braun thinks this might go away when they next update the site or cms

Oh well. Not much of a loss.

Sorry, Ant, but I doubt this is gonna give your bullshit network the heat you're so desperately looking for.

This upcoming Dani trashing will fall into the same FAIL category as the new studio, new desk, new shows with E list comedians, and the O&A reunion circlejerk.

Great idea Ant. There's no way this could blow up in your face at all.

How could it blow up if all his legal issues are dealt with?

Whats going to happen....lost subs to his stupid basement podcast? No one subs anyways. Are great guests going to ignore him? He has fat O&A fan has beens like Big A and Sandy Kane on as guests.

civil suit

You sir are a complete fucking...



I'll watch.

Oh boy! I can't wait to hear him talk shit about how revolting that snake he was voluntarily fucking and kissing on the lips nightly was. Fuck you, Dani!!! I can't wait until our god Anthony gets us back on his side by making fun of you because he decided to make you his main girlfriend. RADIO WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

42 year old reference.

If anyone cares, here's Dani's response:

Does this mean he can start drinking again?

He never stopped

So... he found his gun after all?

Does all this just embolden Patton?

No silly, he's talking about the case brought against him by a woman he was in rehab with, not the case that got him sent to rehab.

Finally, the justice system in America works for a black man.

When you look up at Freddy Kruger after sucking his cock I can understand why you'd break your own hand and ribs and call the cops.



Ok but when do we find out how big flutesy's cock is?

Anthony is as honest as they come. I'll believe whatever he says.

Free at last!


I kind of find it funny that the legal system got hundreds of thousands of O&A money. I don't know what my point is, but I just laugh.


Never stick your dick in Crazy

Impossible. They're the hottest and the best in bed.

Is the result public?

I bet he takes zero blame for this. Also, I understand why people take the plea deal (less hassle, less spending, easier sentence) but why would you plea guilty with "bogus" charges?


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You are all so full of shit. No matter how you feel about our beloved Pock Jock, Tranthony. You faggots will be the first to complain that it hasn't been uploaded fast enough, so you can disect the shit out of it.

Who even gives a shit, AntH?

Maybe that loser brother of yours sucking the money out of your account does. But almost every single fan you had from the O&A days have moved on. Your stupid show sucks. Your guests suck. You suck.

No one even bothers pirating your show. Maybe if you cut SAMCRO Joe off your welfare list, you can still live off your bank account for the maybe 10 years of life you have left. Merry Christmas.

He hit a woman, he is a cowardly piece of trash and nothing can ever change that.

Actually sir it takes quite a lot of courage and mental fortitude to hit a woman, what with it being a social taboo and all. The man is a pioneer

Yeah its exactly like standing up for a black in the 60s.

Ant is a revolutionary. In 40 years we will be praising him

Yeah, you were there. Thanks for being so brave, giving him the "what for" from the comfort of your basement, behind an anonymous username on Reddit. You sure told him.

lol defend a woman beater faggit.

Oh shit you got me!


Oh well. Not much of a loss.