A very O&A Reddit christmas

3  2016-12-23 by Dennyislife

16 people in the house for it. 3 of them i can find anything to talk about with. 7 who i will try to deal with as little as possible.

We start on the booze at 11am so we can get through the day. How about you?


14 people. Me and 13 men who have paid $25 each to ejaculate on my face.

Merry christmas sweet boy

You're makin money hand over fist

Play me off Johnny

4 people. Me, bird, mum & dad.

All 3 of them think I'm sober after some pseudo-intervention nonsense.

Heading round to girlfriend's mum's house before then and gonna rob some tramadol from her medicine cabinet. If Santa is real there will be a bottle of morphine there so I can have a swig and leave a horrible dump in the shitter.

You eat dope before Xmas dinner you are gonna have a bowling ball of misery living in your colon for 3 days

Alcohol and weed to minimize the agitation and maximize the post meal sleepiness. I just wanna pass out and get through it without antagonizing the people I guess I love, fuck christmas. Forced bullshit.

Gonna go to a family members house, wait until everyone gets fucking drunk say something about Trump, then sit back and enjoy my handy work.

I made a bet with my old lady I could walk half the house out before dinner.

I would rather sit home, enjoy my fucking day off, but I love some of those relatives.

Big family gathering at my jerk off rich uncle's McMansion.

Probably going to just sit in the heated garage drinking Glenmorangie Signet and smoking dope until its a proper time to load up a to go bag and go back to my shitty apartment.
