Comics who will never break: Nick Di Paolo and Dave Attell

8  2016-12-23 by crookedmile

They're too old. Regardless of the fact that Attell is probably the greatest standup this world has ever seen. Big Jay knows it. As a fan of comedy, why can't these guys get their due? In Trump America, Nick Dick will shine


Attell had his own Insomniac which lasted 4 seasons and 2 seasons of Dave's old porn along with the gong show shit show he did..he does what he does best which is being funny so go see him when you can

The first couple seasons of Insomniac were great.

I torrented a "Best of" set and I still go back to it pretty regularly. Some nice tits in the Alaska episode

They've both done pretty well, especially Attell. They're at the top of the game. The only comics higher than them are the upmost upper echelon, people like Seinfeld, Rock, Chappelle, Big Amy, Kevin Hart, Louie, etc. How can you say they'll never "break"? They'll never be huge mainstream successes earning 10 million a picture? Sure. But they headline, they're highly respected, they earn a great living and have a bigger following than the vast majority of comics.

you forgot to mention Vic Henley.

Attell seems defeated on his recent radio appearances. He's by no means a big name outside of comedian connoisseur. Hence him saying saying he's retiring from comedy.

When has Attell ever been positive about himself? It's almost annoying how he's super-mensch with everyone else but thinks he's total shit. Goes way past self-deprecation.

I hear what you're saying saying, friend.

I think Nick is where he should be in his career. If you've watched him more than once you see that he repeats the same joke structure over & over again. I don't think he's even close to Attel

Attell is a maestro. DiPaolo is a one-note Charlie.

Back in the ol' Nick & Artie days, he would constantly throw out one-liners, and like you said, the same joke structure again and again, and the same delivery. Maybe 2 out of 10 one-liners would land. You'd never see a top-notch comic with that kind of batting average.

But he has had some great one-liners/zingers and roast appearances over his career.

"Robin Quivers...and so would you if your father finger fucked you at age 10."

"Why does Robin love her new boat so much? Because it has a stern that she doesn't have to pretend is funny."

shucky ducky quack quack

Nick is a one trick pony, but Attell has done fairly well.

in Trump America

You think the dipshit half a fruits ala Gavin fans will appreciate Nick's comedy? Not really.

I find do Paulo pretty samey and repetitive.

Remeber Bill burr and Patrice's movie idea about a serial killer comedian which was based on when they first saw attell doing stand-up. This is Attell we are taking about

Bill Hicks wrote that as an unproduced script in 1992. His joke was he was going to be killing parodies of hacks like Carrot Top, Paula Poundstone and Sinbad.

Don't group Sinbad with those other assholes.

Take that up with Hicks.

Great now I have to go dig up my ghost typewriter from the attic.

Sounds like Hicks was full of himself.

Attell really should be bigger, especially since faggots like me torrent his specials

Meh, they've done pretty well. In a perfect world Nick would get his own show on Fox news...which age isn't gonna hold him back from, so you never know.