Trump's Inauguration Ball lands A-List entertainers

0  2016-12-22 by crookedmile


They should hire dopey Joe Cumia and The Samcros to play, he'll come out dressed to the nines in a sleeveless tuxedo t-shirt and goofy bright white NB walking sneakers

I think if they ponied up a few cases of Keystone Light and gas money, they could probably score People Haters. The crowd would absolutely love it! Trump would get down!

If Bruce Springsteen and lady Gaga couldn't help clinton... DJ Freedom can't hurt trump

Kanye West would have done it.

He's an asshole but his fucking music is pretty good.

I heard these guys are coming

Get Rotgut back together

He should have it in Yakov's theater. They could do a dinner adventure show.

holy shit trump got rich vos?