Uncontacted tribe - When you see it...

1  2016-12-22 by Ant_Sucks


they got some big ass feet.

I see Bobby Kelly on the left looking up and lil Jimmy Norton 2nd from the right peering through the leaves next to the person aiming a bow or something at the plane that took the pic.

Did I miss something or someone? I count 5 people visible and 2 of them look like O&A people. And a 6th partially visible behind lil Jimmy.


I see a big juicy peckah.

Hey, quit looking at me!

Sorry, man. It's just so pretty.

How does nobody else see it?

Just fucking tell us what it is already.

You know what duuuudeee you got your fish you got your spear you got your sharp rock duuudeee lifes pretty good duuudeee


I dont see it....is Ant's hair photoshopped onto something?

Sentinel Island?

but we couldnt find Osama after a decade? fuckin peckah