What are your top 10 dago podcasts? Ant, Nick...

1  2016-12-22 by bobomobile

  1. Ant 2. Nick Dip 3. Carolla 4. I like some of the stuff Dan Bidondi did for Alex Jones in Boston.

I dont really like a full episode of Rogan.


I was actually pretty disappointed with Carolla's podcast. He was hilarious on Loveline, and reminded me a lot of Ant. But his podcast just bores me.

It was pretty good in the early years. But there's only so many times you can hear about chickenshit parking tickets and raspberry iced tea. That, and he turned into a more successful Ant-lite with his grit and balls and elbow grease ranting.

Artie's is awesome. Joe Rogan's (who is part ginzo according to wikipedia) is good sometimes. Depending on the guest.

hoo hoo hoo let's bring it home.

Big Three Podcast starring Perry Caramello