"I can be the husband and the wife"

50  2016-12-22 by EskimoEscrow


That is horrifying.

That's what his wife thought.

Be nice, Fezzie's looking good for his age.

"Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard."

It puts the xanax in the wine or else it gets the pillow again

spits drink

Looks like ghengis khan

Big Jay got rid of his skunk hair?

I don't know what that is but I'd fuck it.

He's like Norman Bates, but some how gayer than Anthony Perkins.

Was he on a JetBlue flight earlier today?

Big Jay?

Seen plenty of lesbians who look worse tbh

ok i'm usually not a fan of this patton bit but this had be laughing

When you have to kill yourself


He was planning to wear her skin before the cops started snooping around.

Those eyes!

That's Jim Norton's favorite girl.


That's terrible. I'm sorry.

Sometimes this place does good things.

You know what dude, you got ya stache you got your patch, you got your goate. BOOM! You're the most gorgeous one in the rum.

Okay I'm gonna hope the makeup is shopped on but does he really have that goatee?

The "Man"derin.

The "Man"darin

My transformation from murder to tranny is complete

That's what his wife thought.

Be nice, Fezzie's looking good for his age.