Bob Kelly is the worst part of his own podcast

40  2016-12-22 by TheScarletR

Watching Yankee Swap right now and hes the fattest, least funny, and most distracted/off-topic, of the whole room


Bob Kelly on the defensive is great but confident Bobby is unlistenable.

Confident Bobby is as genuine as Political Jimmy

I miss the old YKWD (like mid 2013). Back when it was List, The Puerto Rican, and Soder. They would just rip on fat bob and fatsuca. Those were the best.

Now it's just Industry Talk with Open Mic-ers and Col. Kurtz.

Do they ever talk about how brutal the back of the comedy cellar was? If so sign me up!

I think they've mentioned it once or twice. But they also tried to talk up the podcast starring that one nasally guy who attempted to capitalize on it, too, so...Take it with a grain of salt.

That was the apex, and soon it took a huge dive.

More than 4 people on mic is almost unbearable when I like people, having more than 4 open mic mongs on mic is hell on earth.

Worst part is that Bobby refuses to change. He thinks that he knows best and that people's criticism is negligible.

If only he knew how much I missed the old version of the show; he probably still wouldn't care.

They insulted that cow all the way back to Australia.

Does he still have 15 nobodies on at a time?


ugh. Such an easy problem to fix

It's cool that he gave guys like Soder and List a platform who now are way better then him. But really most of them are just shit open micers that contribitute nothing and wil never go anywhere. The mental illness Chris "charisma blackhole" Scopo must have to think he will ever accomplish anything must be enough to get you locked up in a psych ward.

Poor scopo. Constantly shat on by a roomful of nobodies while his big brother is a successful investment banker.

Also, soder, list, normand, and luis are all pretty good. The other open mic'ers are horrible and uncompelling.


It's more of acomedy hang

I watched one with that faggot Mike Lawrence after he won some shitty roast bastle & they spent the entire episode praising him as a genius while he sat there nodding at everything & pontificating about the "art" of a roast battle. I even recall them dissecting the genius of having people on the side of the stage freaking out & acting silly after each joke.

Corny ass faggots. Comedians are shit.

Fuck Mike "I sucked dick in college" Lawrence and his shitty "my manager told me not to put it out there" bullshit.

Fuck lawrence. Zac amico rules and probably raped him on stage.

I stopped listening months ago cause it would always lead to how they wanna fuck his girl producer and she was basically second mic with nothing to deliver humor wise.

And if youve seen her, it makes no sense. Shes an average Jersey broad with a flat chest and a Leno chin

I want to see her just based on that description.

I believe this is the one. Eh not bad

Love a schnoz but hate a chin.

Ew why would anyone listen to bobby? Least funny of the classic crew by a mile

I have to agree, I listened to one episode a while ago and he was flat-out bad.

He annoys the shit outs me with his " You know what dude" voice . What are you 12?

Do you like the Florentine voice

Bob Kelly still gets points from me for destroying Opie with the paralyzed wheelchair bit

I only listen when they have the regulars on. They also have added a horrible segment to the podcast. The first 20 minutes is just him and Deepu and Lauren chatting.

That's the part you fast forward - like Maron's podcast.

Yeah, I don't listen to it. I am just commenting on how stupid it is. I don't know who could possibly enjoy it.

His show had 2 good years, dead to me now.

The show has been rough lately...but I can't hate on Bobby, he's such a nice guy

I like him on other peoples' shows but as someone else said, confident Bobby stinks

The majority of "comics" he has had on lately aren't the type to call bullshit on Bobby, so ITS NOT FUNNY. Joe, Soder, Gomez call bullshit so it's funny. Joe will cut Bobby off mid "pontification", smash him, and it's funny.

You pay for that shit?

No, some hero ripped it and posted it in the sub. Yankee Swap is the first decent guest lineup he's had in literally months

Wait...he's charging for that shit now?

He puts out all the garbage ones for free and puts anything with Colin Quinn or Dan Soder behind the pay wall. Hes a fat faggot

That's retarded. Who would pay for that.

It's weird East coast comics bitch about West coast being all business. But EC comics are putting content behind a paywall but WC podcast are all free.

Yes and he's unbelievably stupid about how he promotes it. One day they just pulled all the old episodes from Itunes and said that an episode they just did with the good guests(gomez, list, soder) were all going behind the paywall so he could pay Lauren and Deepu, both of whom ruin the show any time they open their mouths.

Deepu's alright.

I like him when he would read people lines from the chat room calling Bob a fat pig, causing Bob to have a melt down


Political Bob is why I stopped listening

Yankee Swap? Did it change names from YKWD or does he do 2 now?

Its still YKWD. Yankee Swap is an East Coast thing they do every year on the show.

You had me at: "Bob Kelly is the worst..."

So he's Opie with smaller tits?

Well no, I can name funny things Bob has said. Can't say the same for Opie.

Well no, I can name funny things Bob has said. Can't say the same for Opie.

That's the part you fast forward - like Maron's podcast.