Jim is so cringe worthy with his everyone who drinks has a problem view.

60  2016-12-22 by RichHeads

Kat Timpf - I love to drink. Jim -They all do over at fox! I am amazed everyone's able to do their job pretty well. Jim - Do you vomit at all from drinking? Kat Timpf - No. In college I did.

I'm not going to say Jimmy did or did not have a drinking problem that's for him to decide, but God damn his views on alcohol is literally that of a college or high school kid.

Someone can find the audio Sorry I'm a lazy cunt at work.


I already posted this a few weeks ago. He often asks people if they get the spins. You know, what you usually get the first few times you drink.

Oh God I remember hearing this and thinking, "this douche really only got drunk once, laid down got the spins, puked and went to a meeting the next day thinking he's an alcoholic."

I bet it's all a lie, his entire persona. The level of enthusiasm he shows for "meaty pussies" and other sexual stuff is very similar to a teenager whose sex life is just starting. Jim's probably never even been with a tranny lol

How pathetic would it be to lie about being with a tranny

It's for the money

I don't drink hardly at all, but when I let loose (as in, take out the butt plug) I can guarantee I will get the spins while laying in bed. The last time I got hammered, I put an episode of Bennington on, and at one point everyone in studio laughed loud and it made me throw up.

The saddest part is I'm 6'3" and get drunk after two Scotch Ales....

A low tolerance to alcohol is synonymous with allergenic reaction to it. you could have a mild one. I'd love to take you out for drinks sometime and pick up the check.

so that explains why everytime i get drunk i wake up with a sore ass

Weird, because if I drink anywhere from 7-9 beers, less if it's a craft beer, I will be fuckin plastered.

How is it an allergic reaction (meaning involving the immune system) and how does that affect tolerance?

Well to be more clear I wasn't referring to an actual allergic reaction to ethanol. If he was actually allergic to that he would have anything from hives to a anaphylactic responce, like what you're referring to in a "immune" response. However it is possible to have a kind of intolerance/reaction to certain ingredients especially with beer. Wheat, Rye, oats, and barley all contain a protein in the germ layer that in some people will actually increase the absorption rate of ethanol. I did some of my useless grad work on this.

So yeah you're absolutely right "allergic" is the wrong term to use.

Take your informed horseshit to r/askscience. We make dick jokes here!

understood. I didn't know about the protein that can affect people's ethanol absorption. Thanks for the learnin'.

I don't drink hardly at all, but when I let loose (as in, take out the butt plug) I can guarantee I will get the spins

The last time I got hammered, I put an episode of Bennington on

Jesus dude

Yeah that post is depressing.


I don't think you're right about that. I certainly don't get them anymore, but I did for the first few years as a heavy drinking teenager. It was definitely much longer than a few weeks or months.

I'm also pretty sure the label for St. Ides is supposed to represent two eyes with the spins. Assuming it does, it's not exactly the first beverage you think of when you think lightweight.


No alcoholic gets the spins. Most don't vomit or have many hangovers either. I am a fairly heavy drinker and my friends wife, who has seen me drink many times, was shocked when I mentioned once that I rarely get a hangover. From her observation of a casual drinker, she thought I must be ruined based on how much I drink.

I honestly never heard the term spins before Jimmy said it.

It's great that Jim stopped drinking at 18. Conquering that addiction allowed him to live a healthy and fulfilling life free of addiction and obsessive behaviour.

If he hadn't done that then by now he could be a middle aged man who spends his days alone in his apartment surrounded by begrudgingly-signed framed pictures of his favorite celebrities - edging to porn and obsessed with everything related to sex; too scared to even go outdoors without a semi-retarded 6'6" man slave tailing him everywhere.

Thank god that never happened.

The irony is that Jim gave up drinking and replaced it with other, more damaging (mentally at least) addictions.

I'm no expert but i'm pretty sure taping garbage bags to the floor so a dominatrix can shit on you is way more fucked than someone drinking in their teens and blacking out.

Have you ever listened to the show?! That's exactly what happened!

"Begrudgingly- signed framed pictures" spot on

"That's gold Jerry, GOLD!"

I just listened to an old show where Anthony is talking about how he pulled back his drinking from the times that he'd still be kinda drunk on the air, or vomitting during the breaks, which is fairly commendable for anyone who has a real problem.

Jimmy then goes on to tell him that "most people dont drink to get drunk dude, I know it sounds crazy but thats an addict mentality" Anthony correctly mocked him by saying "yeah most people drink for the taste of it"

It's like he's so far removed from being an actual alcoholic that he knows less about it than the average person. I'm assuming this is from 30 years of going to AA.

Yeah AA is pretty much cult like in how it reinforces it's retarded narrative. Drinking 2 six packs and doing prank calls does not equate to a drinking problem

Drinking a 12 pack (or two 6 packs) and making prank calls doesn't mean you have a problem, and if you don't have a problem, you don't need AA.

But I know people who would be dead without AA and NA. I know a person who got clean at 21 (not just from alcohol but from pretty much any drug that was available) and he simply would not have lived to see 25. And that person's father never could clean up and died of cirrhosis at 55.

If you don't like it, don't go. But it is the best answer for some people. And even if they don't go to a 12 step program, for some people abstinence is the only answer. Some people just can't be social drinkers.

Prank calls, what are you five?

I'm also curious as to why he wouldn't just buy a 12 pack

Yeah, and also fuck ketchup. What are you six?

Jim Norton is not a man.

Oh shit!

He also likes to jump immediately to drunk driving and killing a family....there is some middle ground to enjoying a drink you child

I'm not going to say Jimmy did or did not have a drinking problem that's for him to decide

No it's not.

Fair enough. I mean if I compared him to some of the alcoholics I've known his story is Child's Play.

He's addicted to being addicted. Alcohol. Jerking off. Trannies. Sex and now its going to the gym and eating better ...

Don't forget celebrity photographs and sucking off each member of black sabbath

his tranny addiction is way more harmful to the soul than drinking ever was

It hurts Jesus the most.

How long has jimmy been sodomizing this Mexican boy you speak of?

less than 10% of people who try dugs and alcohol become addicted ... Jim is part of a very small minority of week willed pussies who can't handle it and excuse themselves by calling it a disease

Which collage taught you to spell?

Which shitbird bible belt college teaches spelling?


Speech-to-text I'll fix it.

So you're at work but can somehow talk into your phone about irrelevant radio shows and no one says anything?

Jesus Christ it's a lunch break and yeah I'm a colossal loser I'm pretty sure that's par for the course if you're posting on here. I had no idea a simple spelling error would have offended so many autistic men.

haha what a fucking queer.

Go after my grammar if you will, but my love for cock off limits!

Lmao, you talked all of that into the air.

I think he's interested in it but I don't know, he's not really as condescending as people say. He just says it was bad for himself. He jokes about Anthony being the biggest drunk in the world but never really went all intense on him. I drink an insane amount but I also don't really judge people who want to stay abstinent because I've seen people completely fuck up and become psychotic assholes when they're hammered. If someone knows they're going to be that guy, its not the worst thing in the world to avoid it.

Yeah I absolutely understand and get that and Jimmy is definitely not condescending about it. I'm just interested because it literally sounds like he stopped drinking at like 18 and his understanding of it never evolved. You never even have to drink to understand that some people can handle it and some people can't. I suppose maybe he was trying to see if she could. But it was kind of weird that he was surprised everyone at Fox can drink and then do their job.

I know, its so naive sometimes. Like doesn't he realize his cohost was able to do it with no problem at all? Although Opie wasn't much better, especially after Tequila and Donut day where Opie was flabbergasted Erock was still alive, terrified a 250 lb guy would die of poisoning from 10 drinks over 2 hours.

He just wanted to get erock to puke in studio. He thought that would be entertaining.

If you mean Ant, I wouldn't say he drank with no problem at all. I would wager if he weren't drinking he wouldn't have made the tweets that got him fired (or might have been bright enough to delete them), and the Dani situation sounds like the sort of thing that might not have happened if he were sober.

This shitbird is not an (drug or alcohol) addict, he is just good at quoting AA psychobabble and catchphrases.

Stanhope fucking murdered him using superior knowledge of the programs against him.

Then Stanhope murdered Bingo by promoting the lifestyle.


Jesus I remember that, that was brutal!

He doesn't realize that the Uber drivers, waiters, cooks and all the other service people are fueled by weed and booze. And yes, we all get to work on time, homie. The dude is disconnected hardcore and you can tell by his 'stories' he's full of beans.

Jim's views and knowledge on everything is that of a college kid. Col put it best when he said that Jim does a great impression of an intelligent person.

Not true. College kids had to graduate high school first.

In all honesty, for an adult woman to say "I like to drink" like it's some kind of activity is pathetic. Drinking, as a thing to do, is pretty immature.

She sounds like fun to me.

Bingo agrees.

It's better than what girls usually have interests in, I.e. stationary, artisan bread and one random musician/writer/potter/artist who they say they love, so you ask about similar music or whatever and they don't know what your talking about. They just like the look of this one guy, so much so that he feels like a 3rd person in every conversation.

Yeah, it's awesome when they're puking or when they pass out with your dick in their mouth. The most fun part is when they wake up in the morning and accuse you of raping them.

He drank a few times when he was a teenager now he's in his 50's.

He obviously just gets very rapey when drunk so he had to stop. Guys a creep.

Um, this is the best theory here.

He's rapey sober. He can't talk to a female guest without verbally raping them.

Drinking is great. It makes men interesting and women fuckable. Teetotalers are bores and I don't care for them.

His alcoholic bit is all a load of bollocks. He thinks it makes him seem more crazy, and not just the high pitch squealing comic he started off as circa 1990

God what a faggoty pussy boy. Some of us actually have testicles and can handle our booze. Christ my 95 lb wife can handle her drink better than this alleged man.

I'm now picturing you speaking into your phone like a journalist covering the morning news beat

he should fucking smoke a joint or somethin tss. in all seriousness, his views on drugs fall flat. he does all the debaucheress things an addict would do for heroin except he gets no high, no payoff. He probably shits himself but thats it.

Didn't Jim say he went to rehab after a suicide attempt? If that's the case, I could see a guy who wasn't really an alcoholic saying "enough". Even though he said he didn't quit until later... it's a little like if you got drunk at 18, rolled a car, and walked away. It might not put you on a 12 step path, but it might make you say "yeah, better if I don't drink".

that dizzy twat kat timpf's airtime was audio Drano. Barfola

Speaking of Jimmy

Where's that episode of Joe Matarese with Jimmy, Artie & Ant?
He just has the "Recap": http://fixingjoe.libsyn.com/rss

Many of his views are quite childish. His whole sobriety thing is a joke. Real 12 steppers don't take ambien and several other of the medications he's blurted out that he takes. Just like a lot of his stories they contradict themselves constantly. He's a narcissist and whatever it takes to insert himself as the point of attention he's down to do that.


For as many times as he's said "Mind your own business, nosey. Mind your FUCKIN' BUSINESS, NUDGE!" boy does he not take his own advice.

Fun-killing hall monitor. You'd think he would have figured out by now to just avoid the subject at all costs. What possible good could come out of such a shitty question? I really wonder what he must be thinking some times.

Jimmy does love making sure people knew he had a drinking problem...along with 70% of teenagers.

Jim is an unfunny sissy

My dad was such an alcoholic that he produced someone that can only get drunk from 12 beers.

Hey OP, how big are your feet? What do your toes look like?