Reminder: Cumia back in court tomorrow

60  2016-12-22 by WhatTooReal


How that emo cut boys sex free video work out for you...

Yeah op provide a fucking link you selfish cunt


Op don't give a care "Fuckin females is for poofs"


It takes a real man to fuck another man in the asshole

Or a well trained Schnoodle.

Or a well trained Schnoodle.

Or a well trained Schnoodle.


This is the last one. Then Ant tries to trick everyone into her ribs breaking by themselves.

I can't wait for that one.. all of ants ball washers (Fred from Brooklyn, steve bay shore etc) told me everything will be explained in January, and a lot of people will owe Ant an apology... this is right before they blocked me 😂

You better be ready to put your sorry pants on, mister.

If I have to apologise, il by tacs subscriptions for every member of this sub

I have no idea what happened, but given Ant's history with volatile women, and him not laying a hand on them, I have a hard time picturing him kicking this girl in the ribs, or him throwing her down that hard, or whatever.

Those other tabs though

Clearly OP did that on purpose. He was virtue signalling that he does not discriminate - he likes them all whether emo boys, hairy men, or Bollywood hero's.

It's the kind of wholesome virtues I've come to expect from this subreddit.


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Or heroes.



Pornhub should really make their titles less obvious... those titles are exactly what shows up on the company proxy summary report.


How the hell has this assault case taken this long to settle? It seems like he's been to court many times and it's still not resolved.

If you have a good attorney it can take up to a year or more for basically anything. The idea is to keep getting adjournments and tying it up in procedure until the DA can't justify wasting any more resources on the case and you get a favorable plea deal. Been there.

Been there.

Sounds interesting. Anything you can share?

I can only say that I had a white-collar felony case in Nassau County a few years ago (bullshit charge, but that's irrelevant), and my lawyer dragged it out for almost two years with adjournments and technicalities. Eventually the DA just wanted it off her desk, so I was offered a disorderly conduct citation and $200 fine. My lawyer held out even more and got the whole thing sealed so even that isn't on my record. Good lawyers are all about working the system.

What did that cost you?

Six grand.

the judge wanted to give us something for christmas

Searching court dockets while furiously masturbating to possibly the gayest thing ever. OP you made christmas come early

His last time if all goes well

Heard this every other court appearance from the ballwashers.

You have to be right sometime.

I just can't believe its taken 27 court appearances just to exonerate him as Gavin and Luis said back in February.

Another minority swept up by the court system.

He din' do nuffin'

Anthony so black he gets banned from buildings

Just quoting what Ant said himself.

You may be right this time.

He'll still be a criminal with a criminal record, he just won't have a felony conviction, instead a misdemeanor that lets Ant have all his guns back. Best Xmas gift you could give that nutjob.

He ain't getting his guns back. Misdemeanor or not, its a violent crime. he also has a protection order against him.

no, that's not true. let me quote

certain violent misdemeanors like assault and battery crimes are not included and therefore do not disqualify a perpetrator from possessing a firearm, even if committed in the context of a domestic or dating relationship.

That's why he's been fucking about with councilors & going to rehab (not court required) . All he had to do is reduce his conviction from felony to misdemeanor

He won't get the CC permit back though right? Not in NY. Hell, I live in NC and a guy I know lost his for a DWI.

What a gift it will be when he goes in tomorrow and finds out the judge is pushing his next date back till March

That my friend is the best reddit post of 2016!

This is a gift that keeps on giving.

Everyone start sending your Christmas wish lists to Judge Bogle

I'd like him to sit this one out so a sassy black woman can guest judge for a day.

I you wish upon a Star

that must be some form of snitching

Now that he's openly back on the bottle will they even give a shit about his rehab vacation?

There's still one thing I don't understand about this case.

Did he or did he not find his gun?

The police surely did

Ow, that's my arm you asshole!!!

How much money has he lost on all those court appearances?


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he did, thats what got him in trouble in Times Squa.... oh, 'Money'. Nevermind.

Anthonys lost his gun. Anthonys lost his gun. The whole things come undone. Now black people are on the run. What did young Dani do. What did she put him through.

They said when Anthony was arrested they found his nose covered in cane.

Delete that last sentence and I'll deposit an upvote in your account.

Did he lose his gun rights for good?

Not that I know.

Is this for Dani? Or Nice? Or Berlin? Someone help me out here.

Haha has anyone gone to the court hes at to troll him yet?

we only exist on the internet

No. Why don't you go into the court room and make an ass of yourself instead of waiting for someone else to.

You do it, pussy.



It's the kind of wholesome virtues I've come to expect from this subreddit.

Or heroes.

we only exist on the internet

No. Why don't you go into the court room and make an ass of yourself instead of waiting for someone else to.

You do it, pussy.