Who would you rather land a flush haymaker on, Lena Dunham or Piggy Schumer?

9  2016-12-22 by WhooKiddzDabesso


I'd rather give them them both the Pakistan schoolgirl surprise and throw acid in their faces

Piggy's made me laugh before, so I give her points for that. I honestly have no idea who Lena Dunham is, I'm only aware of her SJW antics so I choose her.

She's the fat ugly girl on the hipster version of Sex and the City. Supposedly, as the least attractive and gelatinous actress on the show, she's naked the most.

Before you answer, please watch this: https://youtu.be/vFri4o1uYrs?t=2m38s

thats a real sophie's choice you've laid on us ... i think amy will die soon of heart disease ... so i'd belt dunham

This conundrum is what keeps me awake at night.

Yay Ants back on the sub

Id stuff schumers head up Lenas cunt and punch her right in the womb..

I want to tongue-punch Schumer right in her fat, stinky butthole.

That may be the most disturbing thing ever written on this sub.

you're not wrong.

If you said that about Dunham I would ask the mods to ban you for causing a mass puking epidemic.

Only anthony punches women.


Id like to land a swift haymaker to your face, and then find people you care about to rape when you cum to it.

This guy is INSANE!!

Co-fucking caine

That was so edgy my dick snapped off in a tranny hooker after I slipped in a puddle of AIDS.

What do you mean, "when you cum to it?"

I don't care about anybody though.