Listened to Worst of 2013 last night

23  2016-12-22 by Mr702law

Even in their last year where everyone apparently hated each other, the show was still better than any show Ant, Gregg, or Jim have been able to do alone. It's not even close. Even Opie was not bad on the bits featured.


It's almost like the old show was good by accident, its sum total far greater than the individual parts. Even Opie's old college habit of putting things into his butthole played its part

It was the chemistry between Ant and Jim - Opie detracted from the show, except when he was inadvertently providing fodder for the rest of the crew to mock. Jimmy hasn't had anyone to riff with since, and has only been partnered with dogshit (Sam might actually be worse than Opie), which is why his shows have sucked. Ant on his own doesn't work because his demons take over; without other people to answer to, Ant's worst instincts run his life, much less his job.

You don't like Anthony staring into a camera chuckling every 5 seconds at himself?


What's so regrettable is that Ant was fired at all; if you look at what he did, it really wasn't that offensive, and many other media personalities since have survived worse. The fact that he was fired so quickly suggests someone (Opie) stuck it in and broke it off right when a little support would have changed the outcome.

If he had kept his yap shut about that night instead of going on a drunken Twitter rampage like a spoiled girl no one would have known the event occurred. The other negroes involved had no idea who he was anyway.

The other negroes involved had no idea who he was anyway.

One of their own.

Niggers gonna nig.

"Coop from Philly" specifically.

If i got smacked by a girl i wouldn't ever tell anyone!

Actually it probably suggests they were looking for any excuse to cut a big salary from that show who's time had passed.

It was the chemistry between Ant and Jim - Opie detracted from the show, except when he was inadvertently providing fodder for the rest of the crew to mock. Jimmy hasn't had anyone to riff with since, and has only been partnered with dogshit (Sam might actually be worse than Opie), which is why his shows have sucked. Ant on his own doesn't work because his demons take over; without other people to answer to, Ant's worst instincts run his life, much less his job.