Hey Spinuch, here's what you did:

2  2016-12-22 by OldGravyGregg

You revealed yourself in order to attract O&A listeners (who you know are vitriolic cunts) to your podcast. Then you failed to actually provide a podcast. It's really like listening to a voicemail. You have no music beds, there's zero production and you basically provided an audio version of a shit post that really aught to be in text. You suck at radio. This is like babies first podcast. You're all thumbs cocksucker and when it was just text I could respect you. Now I get to hear the weakness of your voice. Yuck.


Thanks for the review champ. You should review drowning next.

That's very funny.


He's got more balls than you, shit-dick. You're witnessing the birth of Gilgore Nation.

Have some respect cunt. Gilgore Nation will fuck you up.

Dude, you're not even on board now, where are you gonna be for the Brinkolution?

I still don't know what's going on.


You know somebody is doing something right when they start to get haters. You haters are in more pain than we can possibly imagine

if that were the case then I would be considered a winner?

gilgore sucks the shit out of my asshole. i'm chaffed from the suckage.