Never enjoyed any of Jim Norton's specials

59  2016-12-22 by Dannyprecise

But I saw him tonight at the cellar and that maggot made me laugh. He was pretty funny, did no topical humor, and did great crowd work. He had his annoying eye blink tics but they weren't too distracting.

I will say that mother fucker looks sickly as fuck in person. Dude needs calories.


how was his skin? youthful looking?

was he wearing his new yeezys?

Bet he was proud of them.


I still can't belive people made that

they aren't people


And the weeeeeeest is the beeeeeeest ..

and we know five brands of cereal fa la la la

Stanhope mentioned on one of these dumb fucking podcasts that he hates specials taped in a theatre, and specifically named Norton. Saying that theatres don't play to Jimmy's strength, which is being the funniest motherfucker off the cuff.

Unfortunately I think Jim just taped his new special in a theatre. Probably wants to seem like a bigger deal...oh well, I'll like it anyway and then feel bad when I realize I'm the only one.

Saw Jim perform one his special tapings in Somerville, MA about a couple years ago now. It was a theater but it was about as big as Norton should be in. I would like to see him do something from Gotham or the Stand.


if I ever get to see Jim live I'll definitely offer to jerk him off. You'll always regret the things you don't ask

does that offer extend to other audience members? Or people who post on the internet?

There's a reason he never made it big and it's not because he's talented, funny or handsome.

Jimmy is only funny riffing on the radio.

His TV specials, cameos and guest star-ins blow ass

He's not meant to be skinny. His body is built to eat Burger King for lunch 3 days a week. It's that white trash DNA.

He should really concentrate more on doing a better radio show than on his stand up. He's much more appealing on the radio where you dont have to look at him. Honestly, out of all of his pears Vos, Patrice, Mark Marron, Joe Rogan, even Shumer he is the worst.

Pears🍐 ? Tss What are they a bunch of FRUITS or something?!

Probably. I know Jimmy is.

Me: There it is, that's the line! I was just gonna say that! Alright let's go to the phones, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fuckbag the Trucker in North Carolina, whaddya got for the show?

Good evening bbb-boys. Love you, love the show. First time long time. We have a pear shortage here in Iowa... Just thought you guys might wanna know... Am I still on?



hes better than rogan and chewmore.

He can make three times as much money doing stand up, so that will never happen. He's stated before that a big part of why he will never leave SXM is that he needs to plug his gigs.

Patrice was garbage.

Jim is silly, not funny.

Jim Norton is like Joe Rogan. Pretty good broadcaster. Terrible comedian.

Me neither. He really is funny, though.

His specials mostly stink. I enjoyed Monster Rain when it came out. I've seen him live 3 times, each time was better than the last. Comics are meant to be seen live. It's just better that way.


i feel the same about Norton as i do Dan Soder, both are good on radio but there specials make it seem like they can't write a joke

Paid for my brother and myself to go see Jim Norton a few years ago and didn't laugh much. The crowd seemed to dig him but neither one of us were very entertained. The local opener was slightly more enjoyable.

and on the radio he's even worse, right gang?

"Man, that guy needs to put on some weight" - Ryan White


He's not funny. Shocking that he's not famous or rich at 50 years old.
