Fuck this fat PIG

3  2016-12-21 by ScorzeMan



grown ass adults saying, "I was just playing pretend!"

I like the part when she said her mother got an abortion, but it would have been 1000X better if her mother would have aborted her.

because it's so common for wise people to bounce back and forth between being smart and then being a complete dope.

Ugh. I have a friend that does this. He claims he has a really high IQ (no, it's not Vos), but he says the most ignorantly stupid shit. Not as in stupid opinions, just plain not understanding how shit works. He usually blames it on being "tired".

If she could just say "I was trying to be funny, clearly it didn't work" then it'll be forgotten by 99% of people in a couple of days.

Or, "I play a character online sometimes, it's not the real me." which is reasonable. By using a word like 'inhabit' it makes it sound like she's either completely insane or she's Pazuzu from The Exorcist.

Shove that apology up your smelly vag!

She really is a despicable human being. She should thank her lucky stars she was born in America otherwise she would have been stoned to death by now. BTW, this is CQ's boss.

These cunts will eat their own children..

Holy crap I never thought I'd be defending her but Jesus say what you want you fat pig don't go back on it.

Lena Dunham -- "Sorry Odell ... I Felt Like A 'Sack of Flaming Garbage' Around Those Hot Chicks"

This is the essence of feminism

Are you guys pro life? I dont like Dunham but jesus are we butt hurt over a fucking abortion joke?

No, I just want her to shove her apology up her smelly twat.

Abortions are the bee's knees but feminists don't make jokes... Why would they start now? They think of abortion as a weapon to rip down patriarchy but in reality you scratch the surface and these cunts don't have a real opinion on abortion, they just want to be subversive. If she wasnt a fakeity fakey fake faker then she would have doubled down

Lena Dunham made an abortion joke, trumpers are shitting in their shoes over it, thats all I know homie.

Trumpers should realize that Trump himself was vehemently pro-choice until a few years ago.

Trumpers dont realize a lot of things.

Isn't it amazing that they and Trump himself still bitch and moan about petty slights. You won. G'head and lead already.

Half of trumpers are anti abortion, the other half just hate her

Nah, I think everybody just hates her now...

It wasn't a joke though. She was just being a little girl trying to sound edgy.