Has Opie done a single segment alone since his new show started?

19  2016-12-21 by NJPoster

He's supposed to be better than Howard, yet whenever I put on his show comedians are talking more than he is.


Sir, that's a valid point I don't think anyone has brought up before.

Are you kidding? It's been brought up like a million times?


I know, it's like, "Earth to turnthemaround"! What a goober.

People bring up that he was useless on O&A, but they don't mention that he never talks alone.

You're amazing.

It hasn't been brought up.

Sometimes you labor to exceed your idols but never will suceed.

Erock wants to be Opie.

Opie wants to be Howard.

And Howard wishes he was Denny.

You cant always get what u want tho.

And Anthony wants to be white.

And straight

You mean like talk about topics he knows about or interest him?

Yeah like women's reality shows and the flu.

How the hell should we know? Maybe if he had Gail Bennington on we would check it out.

We? Speak for yourself. I don't care if he had Scarlett on nude with a visual element, I still wouldn't check out that fucking hack.

Oh come on. Like you don't enjoy high quality guests that have so much to contribute. She is so good at whatever the fuck it is she does! Like contributing to the death of the Bennington show.

I was more of a WNEW listener, so I like listening in afternoons more than mornings.

Just crying alone in the broom closet during commercial breaks.

that would require someone to actually listen, unfortunately that won't happen sorry

I would never listen to that drek so I couldn't tell ya.

I'm going to guess no. Which is amazing because Greggshells emulates Ron Bennington's speech but can't emulate a tiny amount of his radio talent. Listen to the Ron and the Mandog show on youtube and then listen to any classic O&A bit where Tits pulls the emergency brake on the funny to take a phone call.

If a big titted tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it does it still have a radio show?

This is why their show stop being as big on FM.

Howard is the only person who Opie's "I started radio back when I was 18" bit doesn't quite work.