The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

37  2016-12-21 by Tedtheredditor



I fucking hate how millenials talk. That's part of a sentence, you fucking retard. Finish it.

Yeah well why don't you go to the CLUE STORE and buy a bunch! Your language is GROOOOODY.

I actually think she had a cool way of speaking... NOT.

At first I was like "OMG! This filthy Canadian is about to go there!", and I couldn't even!

^This. So this.

"Is that a thing?"

Um, hi. Can you like, super not?

Who the hell is this bitch?

She's a somewhat popular feminist writer, who has a hard on for both Amy Schumer and Kurt Metzger. Mullen had a pretty hilarious exchange with her a few months ago as well.

Didn't he just post a picture of doctor Evil and she went off on like a 9 post tweet

Used to be my homeboys LADY.

80 degrees, when I tell a bitch please, raise up off these N-U-Tees cuz you gets none of deez.

At ease...As I roll with the dogg pound, feel the breeze.

rollin down da street gettin fawkin zooted or sumptin



Just have 2 enemies, fuck this bitch

Well I mean yeah.. I just thought you guys would get a hoot out and of liberal twitter eating itself.

Fuck that, I don't have friends.

Guess I just found out how to cross you off my Christmas list. One Russian mail order friend is coming your way buddy.

Don't tease me you bastard.

Nah, let them eat each other alive.

A sperm whale isn't gonna be eaten alive

She's about go from untouchable to everyone shitting on her once they get permission. RIP Patrice

I think this is more 'a plague on both your houses' kind of situation.

Fuck that. I hate everyone.

Plenty of the lefties really dont like Dunham or Schumer, thats the funny thing about you guys and your perceptions.

I'm about as far-left on both economics and social issues as its possible to get, and Dunham and Schumer are both trashy human beings appropriating the most superficial veneer of social justice-focused cultural theory as a marketing gimmick. They're so gross.

They're both garbage people.

This sub calls Amy a fat pig, I call her a bourgeoisie pig. shrug


which lefties of note have come out against Dunham and/or Schumer?

I was talking about real people, like no one I know likes either of them and as you can imagine. But Jezebel has written noxious things about Dunham and I dont think they're too kind to schumer either, so I suppose that counts.

Maybe we should cheer her up or sumptin

That's a girl? The standards for being considered a female have really dropped in America.

Sady Doyle, that's such a bitchy feminist name

lmao if you for a single second entertained the idea of reading/listening to sady doyle


She is going in (on Metzler too)