So MTV is openly racist against white males. So brave!!

49  2016-12-20 by unclepaul84


MTV has been cancer ever since they got rid of Beavis & Butthead

Undergrads was good.

holy shit someone else that knows Undergrads.

I watched the first season over and over, and kept waiting for it to come back.

3 South was good too.

I forgot Undergrads was MTV

They didn't cancel it. Judge made the decision to end it because he wanted to concentrate on King of the Hill. But 1997 was the year they went to shit.

The revival of B&B and Good Vibes were hilarious shows.

So edgy. Keep going after the safe target you goo feltching faggots. Enjoy your 8 years of Trump.

I can't wait for jew privledge to be a thing. Oh they wouldn't make that video?

They've been on Kanye's dick for years for being a successful black enterpeneur, now he has positive relations with the president elect and he's a pariah?

It's pathetic. They have believed the "nobody conservative can be good in a field of entertainment" line for so long (ie, "Where is the conservative version of the Daily Show if they're actually funny") that they are freaked out a guy they loved revealed he might be one.

It's been the same way for so long they've forgotten that it's people's fear of blacklisting more than actually agreeing to make this faggy shit the de facto consensus opinion. Only if you're already established and successful enough can you break the mold. When you do, like when Caitlyn Jenner backed Ted Cruz or this shit with Kanye, they sure let you know how much they value your individual opinion.

they were also pretty miffed about the cosby dindu nuffin tweet

Hey muslims: we came up with some New Year's Resolutions for you.

When you're driving a truck, try not to drive it into crowds.

Hey black guys, you take the stickers of your hats before you where them.

Have these ugly bitches ever got a man to listen to them?

Cucks like Arthur Chu. The "woke" fags just trying to get laid.


The Unfuckables?

This is what your grandfathers fought in World War II for.

Nah mine pretended to be queer to get out of service and spent the war years trying to fuck all the grieving widows.

He's the real hero, pal.

My grandfather fought for Franco



I feel worse for the ones that are still alive than the sorry bastards rotting since 45.

If the fags still crying over Hilary still can't understand why she lost, then they really need to watch this.

They'd just wonder why this important message is getting so much negative reaction and get piss scared of 'what that reaction represents'

I could only get through about 30 seconds of this shrill bullshit before wanting to throw my fucking tv through the window. White people are the kings of humanity. What did colored people, faggots, and women ever contribute to the world?

They wuz kangs.

Excuse my language, but they contributed diddly.

Fags and coloreds had some good music, but did not produce much else other than HIV.

White faggots have contributed quite a lot, actually. Not too sure about nigger faggots.

There was that "hide yo kids, hide yo wife, cause they be raping everyone up in here" guy; he was fun.


In the case of the former, about 90% of the content on r/watchpeopledie

Yeah, so....Think about how ignorant that is next time you're at a traffic light enjoying a spoonful of Peanut Butter. All these black/queer/feminist studies scholars did get Trump elected so maybe we'll count that to be nice

Christ, whose AJ Poopy-shits in the beginning? Hey white guys just a little message from a fellow lover of football and plump lucisous titssssssssss.

I liked it when Jim said, "Hey white guys, stop shitting each other in Chicago. "

Where did they find this group of unfuckable retards?

Theyre gonna keep pushing this shit and at some point whites are gonna backlash way worse than electing Trump.

do any white guys actually get angry/triggered by this kind of stuff though? i mean i'm a 27 year old white male, so i feel i'm in the prime demographic this video is targeting, and all it got out of me was an eye-roll.

whites dudes are the easiest media target on earth so i just see "attacking" them like this as lazy and uninspired, but it doesn't make me mad in the slightest.

I dont, but I never underestimate the lack of rational thinking of others. This whole election was one big fuck you to overreaching political correctness imo, and now the left are doubling down on poking anything white with a pointy stick. I would not be surprised at all to see racial violence take an uptick because of it. I wish they would just drop the race shit and try to get focused on the working class again.

Yeah it doesn't affect you now because it's just lazy media bullshit, but when these unfuckables that actually believe this shit are somehow put into office and make discriminatory laws on white men because "privilege" it'll be a different story.


You don't think that was good?

Did you?




This is fucking ripe for a parody video. "Attention Negros, here's a list of things you can do better in 2017. 1.) Stop raping our white women...



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Poor white males. I really hope the world stops oppressing them one day.

Excuse my language, but they contributed diddly.

They wuz kangs.

White faggots have contributed quite a lot, actually. Not too sure about nigger faggots.

Fags and coloreds had some good music, but did not produce much else other than HIV.

I can't wait for jew privledge to be a thing. Oh they wouldn't make that video?

Yeah, so....Think about how ignorant that is next time you're at a traffic light enjoying a spoonful of Peanut Butter. All these black/queer/feminist studies scholars did get Trump elected so maybe we'll count that to be nice

In the case of the former, about 90% of the content on r/watchpeopledie