Is it me or has the Nagel gained a couple?

66  2016-12-20 by Bossman_Spearman


should change his nickname to eMountain



He looks like he should be running a Canadian city high on dope.

It doesn't look like he'd be running at all.

tsss tsss yeah what is he rob ford or sumpting?

Fawk u fawkn funny n shiznit it

Topical yuma

Looks like Artie's stunt double

Troyquan tried to warn him years ago. It would only get worse as he got older.

I think he was referring to the guilt of pushing someone off a cliff.

It was mean at the time. But he was completely right.

It was and he is, but to be fair he was talking about himself...

Erock is up to whatever.

Opie's ass is apparently very high in calories.

Still waiting for that mic to be photoshopped into some sort of cylindrical food

He's definitely closing in on 300, if not already.

I used to be 280 and he looks much fatter than I ever did. Then again I'm taller than him. But still, he's definitely 3 bills.

Erik Stangel

I think the sex bagel is holding up considering the pummeling he has given Oscar Meyer's inventory

He said the consumer bit added thirty to forty pounds. That hasn't been s thing for years

And he didn't think to just try a couple bites to get the taste. Dummy plowed through boxes upon boxes of treats.

Why are those commenters so fuckin aroused over this?

I guess because we all watched as he gained almost 100 pounds. He went from 15 pounds pudgy to downright fat.

Oh trust me, i understand that. I meant the YouTube comments.

now i have to go look

okay seems there is a cadre of whale-song fans that get downright erotic over oooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeooooohhh uuuuuuhhhoooooooooowwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee oooooyyyeeeeewwwwooooooo

Then again...Erock IS married....

If you're talking about IQ points, no.

Too much tequila and doughnuts.

Staggering dangerously into Stangel territory.

The boy loves his coke floats and hoagies.

Also, did we ever get a photo of sex bagel's poor wife?

She's now completely 2D

Maybe the most walking-corpse-looking human being under 40 I've ever seen.

Those eyelids are like "dude, what the fuck are we doing? Let's give up already".

Dude, he's bigger than Roland mate. The guy is a fucking monster now. Just humongous. And he knows why: he eats a lot of rubbish.

Where'd the cheese go?

I have an inkling

He's a no-selling lummox but I feel bad, that's the face of depression and self loathing. And eating. Mostly eating.

What a catch

He left a couple and took all the rest.

coke floats in my cup

Gained a couple chins?

It's funny because when O&A first started ripping on his weight a decade ago he wasn't actually that fat. I guess they saw it coming and it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Looks like " i think ill kill myself " , sex bagel wtf

It's weird that he didn't actually get really fat until the fat jokes stopped (on-air). What, too real?

That's not photoshopped? Jesus. It's sad to think that Erock is past middle age.

How bout a lil cake fa da Nageh...

Pm me please

Soon he'll start wearing flame clothing.

Looks like he's had a few treats, yes.

COKE Floats

And a treat in every bottle of water Wonder if he is going to call Dr Ian?

Looked like he chipped a tooth as well


Nah, I'm jus chippin ya!


Seriously Nagel?

Roland with some photoshopped hair.

The schumer diet


A couple of chromosomes yeah.

Gained a couple and lost a pair

I didn't even know he was a polygamist.

Sitting on one's ass binge-and-repeat-watching every sci-fi-horror-fantasy-action-cartoon TV show and movie, playing every new video game and scarfing down junk food all in the name of researching one's glorified podcast tends to make one's ass grow larger.

Dont forget the fruity beers

Until now, I assumed that watching box sets of Saved By The Bell was an effective way to lose weight.

What in the world did they even talk about?

I'm assuming VR and battlefield or whatever it's called took up an entire hour.


His double chin has a double chin.

Maybe Mrs. Nagel took out a big life insurance policy and is planning on Oswalting Erock at some point? She's encouraging him to eat all he wants to make him happy and lull him into cluelessness. Couple bottles of Xanax and a pillow to the face in the middle of the night and no more Erock. She gets to be the grieving widow who begged him to stop eating so much because she just knew it would lead to something like this. Then she has a fat bank account instead of a fat husband and she's off to a sun washed beach with a darker skinned fellow with an enormous dick .

He's looking a little more downes there, maybe he ate another chromosome