Michael Moore is fucking nuts

18  2016-12-20 by FlashVirus

I enjoy his documentaries and loved his appearances on the show but he's just had a complete mental breakdown since election day, his tweets and appearances on TV have been... .weird.. to say the least.

Moore taunting Trump because "he's not President yet.. and it must be driving him crazy..." wow you really showed him.. Trump actually has to wait until inaguration to be President, must be eating him alive... https://i.redd.it/h9vebzn1z93y.png

Muh popular vote whining: https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/810891691502829569 Apparently if "most Americans" don't vote for a candidate then it ought to invalidate their Presidency. From what I understand around half the country doesn't bother to vote and half the voters generally go for the losing guy, so I'm not sure how one would decide the Presidency.

Trump is just like NAZI Hitler!11!!!!! https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/796454957230817280


To be fair, Michael Moore, along with Bill Maher, was the only anti-Trumpers with name recognition that took Trump seriously. Everyone else in that group saw Trump as a joke. Moore even said Trump would win the election.

Not sure why he's acting crazy now. But he did correctly call election in favor of Trump.

Ever since people edited that clip of him sounding like he's praising trump he has made it his goal to prove that was fake

Turnabout is fair play when he edited his docs in the same way. I'm a raging homo liberal, but some of the things he edited together in his movies was as bad as what he claims the right does.

Agree. They did take him seriously more or less from the start. Just one thing...

Moore even said Trump would win the election.

In July 2016 Moore wrote a letter titled "5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win"

3 weeks later, as Trump was free falling in the polls, Moore penned another letter, this one titled "Trump is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place"

So I'm not giving this fat piece of shit any credit. Whatever the outcome, people would have said Moore was right.

He correctly predicted the Rustbelt wins though pretty early on. He's still a fat piece a garbage

Both BM and MM stand to gain financially from the Trump presidency.

On the surface level--their personal effective tax rates--sure. But a) they don't care about paying x or 1.2 times x % tax, and b) they think he will cause irreparable harm to the country and world that can't be quantified by any nominal gain in net worth.

I think they'll probably have a lot to gain financially in terms of having more material and audience.

Good point

He got lucky. This guy also predicted Romney would win in 2012 because of racism.

I'll tell you why, it involves youngsters

I enjoy his documentaries

His documentaries have always been as insane and misleading as anything he's doing now, to be fair.

He was the one liberal who saw that Hillary was about to get her ass kicked months in advance and nailed the reason why.

Tell him to behave.

Sounds like he's begging for an assassination attempt

https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/811016757829926912 Four minutes ago, brainstorming some brilliant ideas I assume.

If a big brother government like in 1984 ever happens it'll be by the hands of gullible morons. Shit's retarded


Get this fat tub of liberal lard out of my subreddit!!!!

His "documentaries" are shit. If there was a category for propaganda he would win the oscar every time.

Apparently if "most Americans" don't vote for a candidate then it ought to invalidate their Presidency

I wonder how he feels about Hillary having the popular vote over Obama in 2008. I didn't see the same protests then.


Trump is pretty retarded.

He looks like aunt Bea.

guess there are two options, 1. he's gone crazy or 2. he sais on the news they should repeat he lost the popular vote, so he could just be saying what needs to be said for him to lose next.

Seriously though, the Electoral college is just like a sports handicap for rednecks. It basically ensures democrats have to win by a spread of 5 million votes, or they'll lose.

I don't get it, people basically called Obama a nigger throughout his 8 years but now peoole shouldn't say anything about Trump? Smells like snowflake bs to me. Stop being so angry because people are using words

I'm critical of Trump for a number of reasons but just randomly walking up to the Trump hotel with some stupid protesters and writing a note saying, "RESIGN! The American people have spoken" on it is fucking retarded. Same with these goofy tweets.

That's been Moore's MO for almost 20 years, though. He hasn't gone nuts.

It is retarded and allowed, maybe you're not endorsing censorship but the Donald subreddit sure is.

You're an idiot. No one is arguing if it's allowed or not. Stop changing the subject because you're embarrassed by his tweets.

Was just talking in general, not only this. You can't deny the fucking witch-hunt that's going down

You lost. Get over it.


Trump HATES the first amendment. If any politician, left or right, expressed the same level of disregard for free speech they'd never be considered a serious nominee for any important federal job, let alone chief executive.

Does he? Do you think hill dog was a big free speech supporter?

He does and his record is pretty clear on the issue.
Hillary? I don't like her, didn't vote for her but there's no question that she's a bigger proponent of the first amendment than Donald.

The media called Obama that? I don't recall the mainstream media even being the least bit critical of Obama over anything, much less call him names.