How long until Brother Joe lets Ant start dating his daughter?

19  2016-12-19 by unclepaul84

He needs to start thinking about a retirement plan.


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How long much until Brother Joe lets Ant start dating his daughter?

Isn't she already in her teens? Too old for Ant.

I have a feeling Anthony already at least jerked off in front of her, with threats to cut off Joes Child Spit money, if not more.

Knock, knock. Hey Hun, it's uncle Anthony, wanna go to the Apple store sometime?

It's being negotiated. Joe wants a 30% increase for his allowance.

As long as she sends him an Amazon wishlist, then she's good

Joe's on the freedom for a five year old retirement plan.

Ok, this made me laugh.

It made him laugh, everyone. We can close the sub now.