Brian Gilgore doxxed himself

41  2016-12-18 by I_Hate_Knockers

99% of us weren't in that chat and the handful who were didn't mention anything on this sub. You're an idiot, sweetheart. ❤


I am now going to scroll through his comments and start posting his absolute bombs into a certain subreddit for comedians.

Side note: I'm still posting Rich Vos' bombs there and they haven't figured out the joke yet. World's dumbest comedians.


Sad is one of my Vos' bomb posts has gotten a lot of upvotes. It almost single handidly doubled my karma.


They're too busy listening to The Indoor Kids, the podcast where Kumail and his wife talk about video games.

Maybe jumping off a bridge could be your next episode?

It should be a sitewide bannable offense to dox yourself. That will take care of every reddit attentionwhore.

Who did what? You autistic fucks

That's what I was saying. He did it himself no one in the chat outed him

prolly not good to throw stones when you live in a glass house, Ian

Did you ever watch the movie Thief? Just burn everything and start over in another subreddit under a new name.

I just imagine him getting all worked up like intern Stevie used to.

So of the known users of this sub we have: 1) a chubby, neck bearded, attention whore 2) a heroin addict 3) a co-host of a show

all we need now is an autistic person and a pedophile and then I've got bingo.

Brian Kagan hurt himself, he needs...Geoff, to come to the side of the stage. Brian Kagan hurt himself, I don't know...


just delete your reddit you dumb faggot

What chat? What are you autists talking about?

Yeah nothing about what I did was smart. But on the bright side I added 2 listeners to my podcast that 30 people now hate.

What's your best episode?

I really couldn't say. They're all mediocre to horrible at best.

The latest one is decent. At least near the end when you talk about some important people.


Yeah I feel great about myself. It's all an act.

I've heard worse podcasts than your last episode. Any episode of Opie Raqio is worse and certainly less self-aware.


Who the fuck are you?

I really couldn't say. They're all mediocre to horrible at best.