Wanna See Where Lady Di Was "Mugged"?

22  2016-12-18 by [deleted]

Here ya go! BONUS: Comes complete with the actual gibbon that did the "robbery"!


Gibbon is making me chuckle.

Crown Fried Chicken is tricky because some of them are literal poison but others are the dopest shit. You get bloody diarrhea regardless.


He had dreylocks

They all got them.

They all have drey locks.

LADY DI: "It's not a ghetto-y area ...."

Somehow, this video tells quite a different story ....

That's so fucked, has anyone else been jumped by a group and kicked in the face while unconscious? It really stinks

Yeah lol. And they just so happened to be NEGROS!

Sounds like some old-fashioned wilding!

I really can't see that being a place that black youth would congregate


A few years ago I was driving through NJ and had to take a piss, I took the Elizabeth exit in hopes of seeing Lady Di. I stopped at a Dunkin Donuts but there was no sign of her.

Shoulda checked Bayway Liquors & Buger King. She hustles change at the latter, only to spend it at the former.

Did you have to google latter and former? I always mix them up.

Tss Googlin latter what are ya gettin on tha roof a sumpthin? Tss

Fawk yeah Chippah!! DVV DVV

Psst, latter = later. Former = previous

All of that because someone bumped into someone else?

If I am out and about and bump into someone I say, "Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to do that." To which they usually reply, "No problem, it's okay." And then we go our separate ways.

So in suburbia a bump elicits an apology and an acceptance of said apology. In the ghetto a bump results in a massive brawl and people getting potentially killed. Hmmm I wonder what the difference in the two areas could be that would cause two such different responses?

"All of that because someone bumped into someone else?"

You don't understand. These aren't humans in the conventional sense we're talking about here. Oh, they may be of the genus sapien, but as a cat & a tiger are so similiar yet so different, they are of a different species. The fight was no more "caused" by a bump than WW I was "caused" by the rubbing-out of some nobody, faggot aristocrat. Like the small flame that is a lit fuse that can cause such a magnitudinally larger conflagration by being attached to a lot of TNT, so it is with them. They are savages that just attack: bump, no bump, whatever. Because, again, that's what they are, violent animals.


She was busy defending our country.

Elizabeth is a shit hole? Stop the presses.

So was she really buying crack? I think she was just a lonely drunk without any awareness of the type of eating establishment she was in. Lady di was many things, but to me, not a crack-addict.

She had a 30 rack in the fridge

She's said many times on the show that she stopped smoking crack "about three years ago", which would be around 2011 or so.

Perpetual victim

I think that's her mugger in the pic.

Yep! That's the bonus content! lol

Thought this was going to be on the navy ship.

Read the story. They were "out on the town for fun". Sounds like a Di and Marion quote.

Looks like a nice family restaurant


that black gentlemans dressed like dick van dyke dancing with penguins