Here's a kid that's a real straight shooter: Gives an honest appraisal of the SNATCHED trailer and AMY SCHUMER, all while playing MarioKart...

15  2016-12-17 by TangerineReam


Although I agree with this kid, I think all these gamer, social commentators should be sent to concentration camps.

We need to get this kid laid.

I think we've found Sam and Jimmy's third mic.

You actually sent me down a rabbit hole of retards reacting to trailers with 12 views per videos. This is my saturday night

ha take that

Let us know if you find any gold.

$30 admission? Is this kid going to movies in East Berlin?

I don't why but East Berlin is an amusing choice of former soviet cities, I might use that.

"She's not attractive and she's like 40. How are you supposed to have a young, hot, spicy character played by an actress who is none of those things"

This guys a RYY-OT

"This is why we won't have a woman president, is because you have people like Amy Schumer who makes movies that degrades them and makes women look loose and gross."

this kid definitely subscribes to this sub

He's a good egg.

Im going to get this young man to review an episode of Opie's show, and give it his honest appraisal. If you guys are into it; ill send him a link of the show when someone posts it on here, fire it over to the kid, have him review it, and post his reaction on here.


Alright two questions:

  1. How the fuck did you even find that?

  2. What fucking movie theater charges $30 for a ticket?

He makes valid points but really sucks at Mario Kart.

This kid stinks at Mario Kart. Keeps failing at the same places over and over.

I love how you guys ripped on him for that in the comment section of his video

Is that your son? How the hell did you find that nugget of gold

I found it looking for Snatched reviews. Give the kid an upvote and make sure you share it with Amy...

