You guys talkin' about politics? No worries, I'll just grab my container 'a' Caveman Coffee, my American-made Primal Bell and head to the Gym-Site

71  2016-12-17 by TheScarletR


Up at the crack 'a' dawn. little THC, maybe some DMT, then Im off to the J-O-B

-Regular Joe Rogan

If there isn't a Regular Joe Rogan Twitter, there should be.

There is now.

These tweets better be that quality, or i'm going to kill myself.

I wouldnt want that

You got your moon landing, you got your Graham Hancock, maybe a little New Mood; then BAM, you're ready to float tank.

Sam would have dumped this comment.

Duuuuude what if humanity is evolving into a technological god entity dude?





Eh what do I know? Im just a lump of flesh and bones riding around space on a spinning rock.

Humans are 70% water. Earth is 70% water. Makes you think, man.


that's the funniest thing I've ever read

Irregular Joe

Impossible. The Caveman Coffee keeps him very regular. The reindeer meat that he personally killed on a hunting trip to the north pole also keeps him regular.

the north pole is in the ocean

Santa ain't got no gills, Nigga.

This literally made me laugh out loud. Fair point, sir.

How long ago did we collectively decide to hate Rogan?

I dont even hate him. I just thought of this last night and couldnt stop laughing

Lol it was pretty funny. I'm just saying there seems to be a collective hate. I am part of it.

He's never been liked. But I think the hypocrisy of his defense of Big Amy combined with it pointed out he's as much of an LOL WEED DUDE! Comic as Benson.

But I thought even I'm Gonna Be Dead Some Day was garbage.

I don't mind Joe Rogan so much. At the very worst, he's an impish annoyance in a hell governed by the omnipotent evil of the Beezlebub and Astaroth of Big Amy and Lena Dunham.

Except he licks Amy's cootah when she's brought up and would probably fag out if Dunham came on JRE.

Watch out that cocksucker u/SpaceEdge bans people for posting Joe Rogan photoshops, they are "off-topic".


You have that all wrong. I originally banned a user who spammed the board with Anti Rogan shit.

Since you have my attention now would you like me to ban you? You have only been Here 28 days I'm willing to say one of your original accounts was banned.

Dumb motherfuckers like you need to learn how to fly under the wire.