Joanne Nosuchinsky (who?) smashes Frank Del Pizo (again, who?), Frank gets annoyed and gives a long boring dissertation about booking and management

4  2016-12-16 by TheScarletR


Joanne Nosuchinsky how about Joanna Yessuchoutground or sumpthin

Fawkin field goals sock cucka

Joanne Nosuchinsky is pretty cute.

I thought she was great on the show but that could be because when she was talking I didn't have to listen to Frank Del Pizzo talk about killing himself.

I like Joanne, she is a former Miss New York and was on Redeye & The Greg Gutfeld show for a few years. Frank stinks.

1:17:20, if the link doesnt work

Skip to 1:23:50 to hear Frank begging to open for Jimmy on tour