I miss instigator Jimmy on third mic

19  2016-12-16 by PsychoticPixel

Like when opie and Anthony would talk and Anthony would discuss something he hates and Jimmy would chime in with

"Oh you don't care for black people?"


"I thought you loved that thing"

Or when there was a fight between two interns and in the background Jimmy would throw subtle lines to fire them up like

"Oh man.." "Ooooh"


Welcome to the era of sensible and balanced Jimmy.

We got Middle of the road jimmy,

Fence ridin' jimmy

What other jimmy's we got???

See both sides Jimmy

They edge pretty good

Coat tail Jimmy drank pretty good.

He fence ride pretty good.

You don't like sensible and balanced Jimmy?

He's not fun.

He's gotta get fat again. It will come.

If Jimmy got fat again, he'd probably Carlisi himself.


What's a 'carlisi' though? Offing yourself by asphyxiation with a black dildo and a roll of duct tape?

Electrical tape is also acceptable.

If we have learned anything from these last few years, its that the morning zoo model of 3 mics is really crutial. You need a "ship steerer" 1st, a second who can either play off or on the 1st and a Third mic to just throw in quips/zingers (fawwwwkk yea). Take Howard/Robin/Billy West (was gonna say Jackie but that wasnt really his role), Howard/Robin/Artie, Opie/Ant/Jimmy, Opie/Ant/Burr,CK or Patrice, Ron/Ron/Fez, Ron/Fez/Dave, Ron/Fez/Pepper (Fez is really an anomaly tho, although i believe Fez did a lot of the things a first mic would do its just Ron was the voice box)

Soder would make a great third mic.

He would be a better second. Jim and especially the recent "tired jimmy" is a better third mic.

Can't beat the 3 man dynamic

i always liked when he'd try that and everybody would just ignore him.

here is my favorite example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipg0lwDZIBM

just was thinking the same thing yesterday

Yes! It takes 3 people. When I listen to Jim and Sam, i really wish Opie was there to steer the ship.....Beating a Tefft pun to death....for 15 minutes......Opie would've shut that shit down when people still thought it was funny. When I hear Sam say "cocksucker red lipstick" over and over, like it was a clever bit that actually bothers his lame ass intern......I want nothing more than another Opie emergency brake. Opie and Anthony hating each other was also a key ingredient. Stern could fire any of his co-hosts, and Ant/Jim thought the same was true of Opie. If they were all equals, it would've been different.

Animal hating Jim was the best.. Not sure if he could go all in on a rant again like the fucking oil stealing ducks or his wisdom of hate for bears.

See both sides Jimmy

They edge pretty good

If Jimmy got fat again, he'd probably Carlisi himself.

Coat tail Jimmy drank pretty good.

He fence ride pretty good.