Raise your hand if you checked out of the Jim & Sam show today

2  2016-12-16 by TheScarletR

Frank Del Pizo, who is less funny than D-Bag

45 minutes or so on the validity of Jim's "Yeesy's", featuring some black guy from Shade45

Joanne Nosuchinsky, a FOX News pundant who decided she wants to act, so they interview her like shes a well known actress

Gleaned all of this from timescrubbing at 30 min intervals

/u/TheRealJimNorton /u/notsamwastaken - there is no way you guys actually think this is good radio. I listen most days but today was really something else.

Sounds like Monday will be just Jim chatting with Travis-DAWG or whoever because Sam will be late and Don didnt approve a co-host (of course not, why would we get to hear Colin, or Bobby, or DiPaolo, etc., be one on one with Jim. That would be way too funny and entertaining so we cannot have that)


a pundant like do you wear it on your shirt or somethin, I dunno tss

Ho ho! Way to go Chip. You really punned it!

I've had cancer scares that we're funnier than Frank, it felt like I was sitting around the Christmas dinner table and uncle frank was trying too hard to try to be hip and young but just ended up telling horrid dad jokes the entire time. What a bore.

He kept saying "yeah people ask me 'was jim talking about you??? He mentions you all the time!!' and Im like yeah yeah thats me!!"

Ive literally never heard the name "Frank Del Pizo"


If by today you mean the second week, yes. Yes I did

The only good part was the bam caller.

Raise your hand on the Internet

haha u fuck bois dont be attacking the show!! is prefect in every way!!! teff, TEFF & CO!!!