Buzzfeed's "The Try Guys" are waifish emasculated faggots

18  2016-12-16 by BrocialistFuckboi4U


How is that one guy so hairy, yet shows no other signs of testosterone secretion?

(((They))) are known to be quite hairy

I didn't catch that ((())) meant those people for like months.

Almost like (((they))) control the search engine results.

The hilarious thing about this is that: Here's BuzzFeed trying to address body positivity in a way that can resonate with both men and women and to HOPEFULLY help everyone in general who have body issues, yet they're only doing it so they can go "See?! See what WOMEN have to go through?! See why it always sucks to be a woman for some reason, and the patriarchy and blah blah blah?!"

They're not being genuine or altruistic, or even egalitarian; they're hoping as a man that you go "wow trying to obtain an ideal body is unrealistic. Body Positivity is important guys, we shouldn't rip on girls for being fat when we hang out". WE ALREADY DIDNT. YOU BROADS JUST THINK THAT THATS ALL WE DO! THAT WE JUST SIT AROUND TALKING ABOUT IDEAL BODIES! HAVEN'T YOU REALIZED YET THAT WE WIL FUCK AAANNNNNYYYTTTHHHIIINNNGGGG?! THAT AS LONG AS YOU'RE NOT OBESE OR WHEEZING THAT WE'RE ALWAYS DTF?! As long as theres a conscious effort to reel in in, we're down for however you want to look. Stop trying to convince us of this nonsense, while defending your own paranoia.

wow trying to obtain an ideal body is unrealistic.

It's not, you just have to work hard at it. These pussies are too lazy to even try.

i know, i have a better than ideal body and it only takes like 8 hours a week =3


Do me a favor and drop the barbell on your neck

Ok that made me laugh hard



& it's not like women have dozens of magazines & websites dedicated to picking apart one another's appearance or anything.

Oh, wait.

They do!

personally, i don't fuck anything. i've never gone pigging. i've been with very very curvy women, but i still found them extremely attractive.

they're wrong on what they think guys find attractive, not that we think about our type a lot.

Stop pretending to be straight. It's current year. We will hate you equally, as we do everyone.

What's the point of these? I remember Buzzfeed doing something like this with Superheroines and comparing them with overweight women in the same poses.

if the filming/editing was slightly more intentionally shitty, this could easily pass as a Tim & Eric video

Femdom niche is going mainstream

Did the Asian guy refer to himself as an LGBT male? So he's a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender male?


Jesus, are they ALL gay?

Pretty sure only the Asian guy is bi. But they do all seem to be on their estrogen stack.

The asian guy(I think his name is eugene of all things) is also the most masculine by a wide margin.

That's my problem with these Huffington/Buzzfeed guys. They're all so effeminate.

Really? that's the only thing I like about them!

if there's anything i've learned by going to school for engineering, women who code are a meme.

They do not have to know anything and can fail tests but still pass classes due to some dumbasses virtuously carrying them every semester in hopes of a potential hand-hug in the future

women are certainly bad at everything

Troy makes every guy in that video look like Brock Lesnar

I want to see "The Try Guys" try a lethal amount of fentanyl while driving

I don't care about body image too much. I'm confident in my ability to slap the shit out of someone with an "ideal body." My ideals are different, I guess. Defending myself against prison rape or street niggers is more important than washboard abs or a taut neck.

what planet do you live on that you face that many threats rambo



Men lost the moment they decided it was okay to bitch about everything like women.

These faggots are insufferable




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if the filming/editing was slightly more intentionally shitty, this could easily pass as a Tim & Eric video

Femdom niche is going mainstream

I didn't catch that ((())) meant those people for like months.