Big Amy getting some love over in r/cringeanarchy

14  2016-12-16 by UnwarrantedArrogance


I honestly can't remember anymore did everyone always hate Amy or were we the first to the table?

First to the table, just like with the Patton murder. Expect to see that pop up in r/imgoingtohellforthis in 3 months.

I started hating her about 5 years ago when I saw her at the Comedy Cellar and her whole set she was sitting on a stool. Her whole joke was "I'm going on Conan tomorrow night so I'm not going to expend any real energy for you fucks." but she didn't do it in a funny way at all. It was like ten minutes of some spoiled teenager saying "I won't do it and you can't make me." I had been open to her up until then. Fortunately later on Chris Rock came in to do a surprise hour long set that was pretty much all 9/11 jokes so, you know, still a decent night.

The only time I thought she was funny was on the Charlie Sheen Roast. But her jokes were probably written by Jeselnik.

literally the Golden Corral of vaginas

More like a 3 am Waffle House whore.

Guys, don't fight, you are both correct. She's terrible day AND night.

Her skin was easily the dirtiest thing to touch that carpet that night

Guys, don't fight, you are both correct. She's terrible day AND night.