Opie always posts during Jim and Sams show.

19  2016-12-16 by dflorio

Anyone notice this? I got notifications on for Opie, Anthony and Jim and day after day as J&S are live. I get at least 4-5 notifications from Opie. Everything he does is calculated. Ugh.


"I have notifications on for..."

You loser

Flair checks out.

I've noticed this too.

I'm starting to think Opie might be a petulant, stupid cunt whose teeth look like someone replaced his wrigleys extra with cinder blocks.

What else is he going to do? His family can't stand him, he has no friends. All he can do is sit in the bathroom and tweet.

He's a millionaire living in the dead center of the greatest city in the world and that is actually what he chooses to do with his time. He's such a profound retard on every level.

Yeah and down votes a lot of things on here before up votes come

i really hope he goes away and doesnt get invovled with compound media

ME: Ant, my friend...save me a fawkin' spot over there alright?!

2 t-shirt wearing ass niggah.

When you're monitoring Opie's Twitter are you wearing satin or lace panties, fag?

Why do you have notifications on?

Yeah, seriously, people who have Twitter notifications turned on need to get a life. Or at least get a job.

i dont know guys the harry the hater vids are PFG to me

He's awake with nothing to do.

Good, his tweets are more entertaining than this garbage! Enough with the yogibo, ugh

This dago really is bringing everything to a screeching halt.


More yogibo banter anything to delay the cavalcade of terrible guest interactions. They can't find any funny like Opie & Anthony could in these interviews.

Flair checks out.

He's a millionaire living in the dead center of the greatest city in the world and that is actually what he chooses to do with his time. He's such a profound retard on every level.