How humiliating would it be if your wife and children had to see the consequences of your hitting rock bottom

5  2016-12-16 by fish_flower


"Comments are disabled for this video" aka "We are aware we made a huge mistake, no need to keep telling us"

They didn't even give us a chance, I was going to say how lovely she looks in that mental hospital sweatsuit.

"I swear she didn't look like this back then! I'll show you pictures from 2010!"


"i was only dating the republican character she was playing"

"You're a fat cunt"

myyyy shooow is good yeeeerrr a fat cunt

Her piggishness aside, that was genuinely unfunny and I hate her

it's getting a lot of hate on twitter too, mainly from women complaining how inappropriate it is to have a woman hit on a married man in front of his family.

The fuck thinks these ads will help sell product?

(((marketing))) (((people)))