Standing with some sort of turtle-like creature and a Neanderthal, Norton is somehow the most normal looking one in this photo

67  2016-12-16 by greygooser


They look like a bad gang of tramps from a Disney musical

they would fit in with the crowd that heckled Dumbo

Jeff Ross getting old looks like Penn Jillette getting skinny.

With an even shittier impotent mustache.

Jeff Ross looks like a downtrodden boxing trainer who worries he will never get to suck another cock

Without the hair Sam looks fairly normal.

You take that fucking back!!!!


Why the fuck do they all look so weird. I thought you guys were fucking around. They dont look human. This is horrifying.

genetic disaster, just a jew, and HGH

To be fair, Sam qualifies for two of those.


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Oh no , does Jeff Ross have cancer?

I sure hope so

Oh no , does cancer have Jeff Ross?

They look like they have fleas.

This is what tripping balls and staring in the mirror feels like


Yeah maybe he shoulda been usin the abmaster or sumthin

And he's still the youngest member of the Friar's Club.

Actually it's like an optical illusion. If you focus on one of them the other two become more hideous.

"Cheerleader Effect"

Jim was standing on phone books in this picture.

Jeff Ross deserves none of what he has, other than his dopey plasticine face.

Sam looks like a Menendez brother.

Toyota Caddy!

Format for r/opieandanthony jokes:

'Out of ____ , ____ and ____, norton is somehow the most normal/ least gay one here.'

Try it yourself kids.

Jim's expression is enraging.

Ross looks like Beaky Buzzard

Why is Jeff Ross's belt so loose? It's like he's wearing skinny jeans but put on his fatguy belt.

My god you're right, that's infuriating

Ross looks like a Trash Bag Elemental.

Should this discourage me from going to the gym and eating better? Is this the best I can hope for if I abandon hedonism?

I sure hope so

Oh no , does cancer have Jeff Ross?