Is anyone else as excited as I am?

8  2016-12-15 by ricswrangler


It's a cruel decision when you look like Sam and choose to breed.

I feel like Sam agreed to have a kid as a way to save his failing marriage. The smart money is on a divorce before the kid is potty trained.

I know a certain uncle that would love this!

Turkey foot?

If Sam has a girl and doesn't name it "Opetta," he's a sell out.

And may their first child, be a masculine child.

With Sam as the father, there is -6000% chance of that.

So you're saying there's a chance.

Through the perfect confluence of genetic anomalies, Sams son will probably be a 6'8" future UFC HW champ.


Just tickle his feet a lil....coochycooo....put his little hands around the eel with the smelly onions....

Definite c section