Opie, Ant, and Jim discuss at length how much doing afternoon radio sucks ass and is basically a huge demotion. (whole clip, but specifically @11-15mins)

18  2016-12-15 by ballpitpredator


34:30 is when Chesty pulls his mams out and says they should move to afternoons. Sabean and Opie wanted the afternoon move. Speaking of moves, this is when Ron Bennington got booted to a bullshit channel. Tim Sabean was the beginning of the end for the channel.

How else was it going to become a "media destination"?

Sam and Jim, Ron, Opie seems like a natural fit of a channel. Unless one of them is going out the door soon.

Speaking of moves, this is when Ron Bennington got booted to a bullshit channel.

This is probably why the channel was never jam-packed full of content. Remember how back 2004/2007ish Opie kept promising to fill the channel with all sorts of talented broadcasters? Then nothing happened except Ron & Fez and a few outlier shows. Most likely Opie wanted to keep the channel for re-runs.

If someone can find the clip it'd be great but I remember during one of Opie's bitching rants he was complaining that Ron & Fez were on the midday slot and Opie demanded a new channel exclusively just for the O&A show and reruns. And this was just one other goddamn show on his channel and he couldn't take it.

This is the most passive aggressive argument I've ever heard. Ant clearly wants to call out opie a number of times but doesn't.

Leave it alone


Leave it alone