Milo sent Lena Dunham an airline ticket to Canada and used mailtrack to follow the email [1:16:30]

8  2016-12-15 by Ant_Sucks


That white girl with the dreadlocks probably smells bad but she's also hot as fuck


She's too hot to smell bad. Her pussy smells like daisies. I'm sure of it.

I'm normally the one downvoting the douches who act like they're above clear 8s and 9s, but this time I just don't see it. 6 at most.

He looks like my dyke aunt if she wore makeup

He talks about his twitter ban and Leslie jones around 1:20:00 I'm not a milo fan but this is a pretty good op

Maximum autism.

I like that,he's a funny mofo.

he gets applause and almost a standing ovation when making a fat joke at 1:34:00

reminds me of letterman when somebody says fuck and u have a 60 year old + a whole audience giggle at the word fuck.

I usually don't like this guy, I agree with what I saw in some of this.

it really bugs me that this milo faggot is growing on me. damn him. i still wont watch it him on my own though. just wanted to let you guys know where i stand.

I come here for the hot takes.

that smarmy faggot sure knows how to put on a show

Fuck Milo

Fuck milo too. Jesus christ

god that guy is a fucking faggot, and not in the way he wants to be.

AKA Milo zeroed in on someone who virtue signaled to her liberal fans by making a dumb "I'm gonna leave the country" comment fully knowing she wouldn't leave the country and then virtue signaled to his own base by calling her bluff fully knowing she wouldn't leave the country... With the caveat that Milo is just stealing Martin Shkreli's twitter joke about paying for her to leave and pretending to actually do it.

Milo was bashing Schumer and Lena Dunham long before Shkreli jumped on the bandwagon. He retweeted the joke stealing stuff to his followers back in 2015, then the new video in February

I know but I'm talking about Shkreli tweeting, after Trump won, that he'd pay for Lena Dunham to use his private jet to leave the country and he'd even send his prersonal chef because he's sure she'll eat at least two meals on the flight. That tweet got a lot of attention and now Milo is basically doing that same thing.

Milo is much more of an internet bandwagon guy than Shkreli is so when the internet was pissed about Schumer he was all over it because that's what his financers (people on the internet) want to see. Shkreli doesn't need the money.. he just trashed people who he feels like should be trashed when they should be trashed.

This man is actually funnier than any stand up comedian ever. Remember that when these talentless bores drone on about honing their craft every night in some shitty comedy club.

You can't be fucking serious

You can't be fucking thinking I'm not serious.