30 for 30 XFL doc coming out. Opie has tits.

11  2016-12-14 by DPC426


I hate sports but I love these 30 For 30 docs. They're fucking great.

I love sports, but they can do ones on stuff I don't follow like golf or college football and it's great. The most recent one Catholics vs Convicts revolves around some faggot who made a t-shirt and that retard Lou Holtz (with Jimmy Johnson occasionally coming on) and it was great.

I enjoy a few sports, but I've watched all of them, even shit I otherwise didn't give a fuck about. I'd say 1/3 are sappy enough to bring out a tear or 2. I'm not usually a pissy-eyed faggot either. I could shoot my geriatric dog, or watch my mom get raped and keep it together pretty well. Give me a good sports underdog story, I become a blubbering woman. TLDR: It's a well produced series that may cause faggotry


This will be interesting. I wonder if they're going to confirm the old rumor Jennifer Lopez freaked out at the SNL staff because they had to push her SNL episode back when a shitty game went into overtime.

The real-life version of NFL Blitz that took football violence to its logical extreme

That's a little much, it wasn't that entertaining from what I remember. Just generic semi-pro football.

That J-Lo freak out isn't a rumor, her freak out turned into a Lorne Michaels freak out and was the reason the XFL had their games moved and her pre-emptied show was replayed a few weeks later. We could say J-Lo being a cunt killed the XFL

Still not as funny as the time she got a crew member fired from one of her awful movies for doing the South Park song about tacos when they thought she was out of earshot. I want an AMA from that dude.

Well that guy would kind of deserve it.

Deserves a medal, you mean.

The best takeaway for me is it confirms she and Affleck watched the episode. I wish this was the era of discreet filming because I'd love to see their reaction to Hennifer Lopez jerking Ben off.

Moral outrage.




the first time i ever saw the bbboys was on the xfl show. i remember laughing my ass off. shame that the bbboys haven't done more tv shows, they were awesome on the show.

Watch the clips of them now. Then realize how much of a cringefest the early 2000s were.