Is it just me, or are Billy Burr's appearances on OnA lackluster?

17  2016-12-14 by prematurekid

I've nothing against the guy, I have enjoyed all his specials and listen to his podcast from time to time. However, in almost all his appearances on the show, he comes of as timid and unsure, not at all like he is on conan or on his own and other podcasts.


In 05 when Jimmy was shooting lucky Louie, burr was the "first string" replacement. He was in for like 2 weeks straight and killed to the point that jimmy was getting jealous because wackbag posters and pests started to prefer burr as 3rd mic. I'lol never forget his ray romano impression.

yeah I remember this. Took me a while to warm but I remember him being great. He stopped short of becoming an Oswalt, but his mealy mouth politics and sentimentality hampered his comedy and I lost interest in him years ago.

You stop following people because of their politics? You're a fag.

i said it "hampered his comedy", and it did and does for many. Schumer was actually funny occasionally on her tv show before she turned into a faggot moralizing lib. Not even considering how annoying her preaching is, her comedy suffered due to it.

Most people who use "lib" un-ironically come off as obnoxious cunts, for future purposes.

I hope your parents get murdered by niggers in a botched robbery, faggot

tss what is he bruce wayne or sumthin

ya. Never knew how many faggy liberal cucks/self hating nonwhites were here thinking they're Jon Oliver and its 2006 being a lib is still a cool status symbol. So these are the queers obsessing over that retard Bro Joe. Reminder: you aren't jocktobering him if you are butthurt faggots retaliating cause he hurt your feelings, for future purposes.

You sure have a lot floating around that ol' noggin

Blow me nigger



Wrong. Burr's comedy has not suffered. He's still a reasonable fellow. Schumer, I would agree yes.


Burr has never had any on air chemistry with Opie nor Jimmy. He always had good combative chemistry with Ant and guys like Vos/Patrice, etc when they were in studio together. Burr seems to have a hard time being himself when he's bored.

He should start treating Opie and Jimmy like he does his wife on air

Suck their black penises?

he should visit ant instead of the other 2

I haven't listened to much of his old O&A stuff, but his Grizzly Man break was great.

Didn't he used to do sidewalk fishing with them too?

He gets better and more comfortable with the show as time goes on

I agree, there are some good moments for sure but i think he just didn't like the scumbag nature of the show. Guys like Patrice Louie and Colin were great guests because they went along with whatever shenanigans they were doing that day whether it was fucking with bobo or telling a 50 year retarded McDonalds employee that he just lost his job.

I always see billy cave into peer pressure.

I still love when he smashed the fuck out of sherrod

Before the whole Philly-bashing thing he wasn't on the upper level of comics with the show. He was in a lot, but definitely had less "say" on the show than any of the Tough Crowd people. He was kind of like how Dan Soder was in his first few appearances. He was probably still nervous around the Cellar crowd, he got a much different attitude when he moved to LA weirdly.

A lot of comics were kind of timid during the whole FM/XM shows. Even Louie the first few times wasn't as talkative as he got later on the show.

i'm pretty sure Louis' first episode was that plumber snake show where he made fun of retarded people for an hour and then later admitted to being happy that 9/11 happened because he didn't want his wife to know he was paying for phone sex. I would hardly call that not talkative

nervous around the cellar crowd? burr was in NY and friends with the cellar guys since the 90s.

They called him "Billy" until around that time and were giving him shit about doing bus shows to the World Series and stuff like that. He was close with them clearly but you can tell he got a lot more respect around 2007 or so.

Sidewalk fishing was one of the best OnA moments ever.

The time they all listened to the wizard of Oz play by the retard school was good. He was reluctant to join in at first but he had some really good lines.


Really? I never got that impression of Bill at all. I became a fan of him through the show, he seems like he always is/was anywhere else to me? I don't know.

The episode where he talks about doing the shows in Sweden and then Ant starts doing "Swedish Dice" is still maybe my favorite time he was ever on, and one of the funniest shows I can remember, period. (Snifff)

Bill Burr was great on O&A when he was still an angry guy. As his relationship with Nia made him happier and less bitter, he became less funny on the show.

It got to the point in Montreal when someone asked him about his relationship and he flatly said he didn't want to talk about it.


Not just you. Never once laughed out loud during one of his appearances on the show.

the problem with the collections is they are not properly cut.

i noticed with bill burrs collection in particular that there is alot of SHIT were he doesn't even chime in.

i listen to his O&A archive least of all the regular comics

Back in 05-06 when Jimmy was doing Lucky Louie for a few months, Burr was on a lot and I loved him. As time went on though, less and less.

Worst of the classic regulars.

He does material on television talk shows most of the time.

It was like mid-way through his career when he got on O&A and he was starting to become famous. I think he was still just unsure how to present himself on the radio.

He mentioned it on his podcast where Jimmy brought him on and it opened up a lot more doors for him. He was doing shows before but getting on O&A and the fans liking him put him on next level.


No, it's not just you. Billy's later appearances were lackluster, and you are lackluster as well.

I have always loved this show, bill and jim jefferies just t-off on ian halperin, his french buddy and some whore.

he hates being there.

Bill Burr. The Bill Burr from the power trio of comedic authors who co-wrote Cheat? Jimmy's job was never in danger from Bill Burr. Opie over sold his appearances, and his two week stint, altogether, didn't equal a single Patrice appearance.

Bill was too delicate for their rough and tumble humor. Aka.... Bill is a fag.

Bill Burr is border line paranoid schizophrenic. He's also not that funny.

He's the most overrated person in the O&A universe. There is nothing special about his show appearances, his podcast, or his standup.

He was the only funny one on joe rogans election night podcast

He's decent, but not funny

I actually agree with your terribly unpopular opinion. I've always found Bill dull, with nothing unique to say, and extremely punchable to boot. You just know he was an irritating ginger prick at school