
115  2016-12-14 by Lilcumia


It's hard to believe that in a room with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian there could be a bigger attention whore.

And a bigger ass.



I was certain this was photoshopped until I read your comment.

Missing on that carpet is a slathering of Hillary's cunt lesions for her to eat like a fucking farm animal

definition of trying too hard

Girls rule. Women are funny, get over it.

Also brave.

And smart

Just picking up her OB TAMPON!



its funny because shes nicely dressed but she uh...she fell on the floor and uh.....i got nothing folks she just isnt funny

This wacky, brave girl I tell ya! She's something!

This is the first time a black man has ever been turned off by a fat blonde.

He's more of a fried chicken kinda guy. Pork aint his thing.

He don't dig on swine.

A sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I'll never know cause I ain't eatin the filthy muthfuckas

Tss yeah wait wait. THERE'S snakes on this FAWKING PLANE or somethin. tssss

Carlin and Pryor used to do stuff like that, to get laughs. Right, guys?

it's more of a Chevy Chase gag...except he was funny

True, but she's a standup, supposedly.

Didnt she give some fan shit for taking a creepshot selfie but crawling around someone and creating Photo Op is funny and cool because WERE BOTH celebrities.

Is that a velvet jacket+pants combo? Looks really comfy. Costanza would be proud.


dont tell me!...velvet?!

She fell on the floor. Genius!

I'd like to think he imagined stomping her dumb head into the red carpet


Holy fuck I'm starting to like this pouty-lipped narcissist.

You could lob a grenade into that moment of time and the world would have lost exactly nothing.

Love the Kanye. Also Laverne Cox in the background does not look pleased.

someone tipped a trashcan over an mr west nearly stepped in the spilled contents


Don't worry, Worm will be there to pick her up whenever she falls.

I wish both of them would have a meeting with Daniel Plainview in his delightful home bowling alley.

Chris Farley?

Hopefully they end the same way, except she obviously won't be still popular... Or missed

Kanye was disgusted, for the first time in his life, by a giant ass.

I thought Kanye came with his dog, which would have been odd, even for him.

Only at second glance, it actually was Amy Schumer sucking some spilled vodka out of the carpet.

How is she not embarassed of herself?


Chaz Bono seems to be enjoying it



Good on Kanye

His wife gets fucked on camera, but Big Amy embarrasses him.

I can't decide who is more hateable

One of the few things Kanye and I would agree about

He don't dig on swine.