Jimmy compares a funny narcissist (Vos) to an unfunny one (Gregg)

24  2016-12-14 by TheScarletR


Opie: "So on twitter today I had some people out there tellin me Jimmy and Sam were takin some shots at me?"

EROCK: (being vague as fuckin usual) "um yea that's the rumor"

Opie: "Listen, I don't know why those fawkin guys are so so obsessed with me. I haven't fawked with them one eye err yoda uhh.... I mean one iota since our shows split. They've been disrespectful to me and allowing trash about my family on the air [burp]

Sherrod: They fuckin wit yo family Op? damn dat's cold as fuck.

Opie: [high pitched voice] I KNOW RIGHT? After everything I did for those two fawkin guys you'd think they'd show me a little respect both behind the scenes and on the fawkin air.

Sherrod: I hear that Op.

Opie: This fawkin business man, this business is fawkin brooooodal. Anyway, where we at with the Trump and his cabinet?

I wanna strangle fictional Sherrod

Fictional Sherrod is the worst. With his stupid fictional tongue.

I Was ready for that to end with fawkin peckas or cooters

This is so inaccurate. It should have Judy gold, Sherrod and opie lines written literally over each other, all progressively in bigger and bigger font. Also with the classic opie "HYAHYAHYAHYA" obscuring the text even more for no good reason.

how about you write up your own fan fiction instead of critiquing mine, faggot.

how bout you not be a bitch.

Is that really what he said? What a pussy. Spent his WHOLE radio career making fun of people the way you do when you're an angry kid ... laughing at people getting hurt, destroying the things they bring in to the studio, calling people fat and ugly....AND NOW ALL HE DOES IS CRY LIKE A PUSSY.

How about you also don't be a bitch. Jesus, don't talk about people crying like pussies, while crying like a pussy

Followed by a nice sniff

68:30 if the link doesnt work

The end of it is all scrambled.

When are the t-shirts coming Jimmy?



eh? He told Opie he was a dick to his face

Jimmy Norton is the guy who takes a cheap shot, runs away and waits for his buddies to save him. You're chicken shit, Jimmy and you know it.

You're a coward. The more downvotes this gets the more cowardly you are.

Hey Jimmy, I dare you to state your beef with Opie on-air instead of fagging off with all these subtle digs. Stop being a huge bitch and either move the fuck on or let him fucking have it. It's not like The Jim and Sam show is miles above Afternoons w/ Tits & The Gays.


If someone (not a doctor) starts accusing multiple people of being narcissists it stands to reason that they are in fact the true narcissist.

EDIT: Just wanted to add, Jimmy is a slimy little coward.

After over a decade of Opie's passive aggressive douchey bullshit, I think Jim has every right to pepper that asshole with these for as long as he wants.

Is texting back and forth w/ Ant calling the guy a cunt outwardly aggressive or passive? - They are all faggots, but Jim is no victim, even though he plays one on the radio. If he had any balls he'd come out and say it, but he doesn't, because he's a sneaky little worm. It's not going to make Tit's show good or his show bad.

He's just a dishonest coward.