Did anyone see David Brent: Life on the Road? How bad was it?

13  2016-12-14 by andiswearrrr

Huge Office fan. I knew the film would be shit when the trailer had David Brent walking into an office, and a lady groaning at his antics with, "oh god...". Thanks for showing us that his character is meant to be cringy!


Gervais gets less funny every project he makes. An Idiot Abroad is the exception, bc he is barely in it

Also Merchant and Karl Pilkington were involved. He's not good on his own.

But Derek was amazing because he played a retard remember.

A retard who liked animals more than humans and hated religion, that doesn't sound familiar at all.

My favourite moments of that show are when it turns into Gervais pontificating on the drawbacks of religion using a thinly veiled retard accent. There are several times he drops the accent altogether and it's literally just him talking.

There was a funny part in one of the episodes where the alcoholic character is talking about love and starts describing the marriage of Hitler and Eva Braun in the bunker just before killing themselves and have their bodies set on fire.

Dude No God LMAO really did get old fast

And then Karl left and the show was no good.

Couldn't even finish one episode. I thought it was a practical joke


Derek sucked shit.

I felt his input to that show ruined it. I didn't like any of the 'pranks' pulled on Karl. I also didn't like seeing Karl miserable constantly.

The newer Karl shows without Gervais are much more enjoyable

Oh for fuck's sake, I got massively down voted when I pointed out what a worthless cunt Gervais is last month. Next thing you know posts pointing out that Bill Burr isn't fucking Irish will start getting popular.

I'm going to sulk. And then mail pictures of my cock to knickers.

I downvoted you because you are a polock

That I can respect.


Bill Burr isn't Irish, he's gay

It's the American definition of Irish, which has very little to do with Ireland. If I were an American I'd be far too proud of belonging to a nation that has 15 nuclear powered aircraft carriers to try and lay claim to some tinpot rainy shitehole that had to make bombs out of fertilizer.

''After watching Derek I've come to appreciate how funny and talented Steven Merchant truly is'' - Frankie Boyle.

Great quote, no idea who that is. 'Derek' is unbelievably shit and somehow got even more terrible when Karl bailed after S1


A hilarious Scottish comedian (imo).

Yeah, well you would say that. He's probably your mother you celtic cowpat.

You again?


You're a card, fella.

And you're a Mcunt.

Rab C Nesbitt raped my childhood.

I'm really sorry to hear that, your uncle Rab sounds like a dodgy geezer.

Saw the first 20 minutes and turned it off. Garbage from what I saw - none of the subtlety that made the show good. Brent was doing a bunch of over-the-top racial stereotypes and "gay" characters around his co-workers that is just unrealistic in the modern age. Gervais is incapable of doing anything good without Stephen Merchant.

the holy fuk character was one he used to do on xfm when he had to get around not being allowed to swear and to annoy Karl. It was funny in that context. But Gervais just throwing any shit at the wall and hoping it sticks now

The office was good because of the subtlety of Stephen Merchant reigning in Gervais. Without Merchant it's just shit.

"Let's make him mistake coming for cumming and make people awkward! - AYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"He'll shoot a tshirt gun into the crowd and he'll injure a fat girl AYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

It would also seem to undermine the happy ending of the Christmas Special, where Brent finally gains some humility and self-awareness. All because Gervais needed to make a quick buck.

I hate the plot of the movie.

David wasting all his money on his "If you don't know me by now" single, and only selling a few copies to his friends, was believable and funny.

Now he's teaming up with some black rapper, and performing in concerts around the country? What the fuck is going on?

The Office was so good because it was mundane and therefore relatable. This is nonsense.

Yupp, memba when he was so proud of how they only did a short series not to drag on. I memba

Oooooo I member. Member artistic integrity?

Memba him shitting on US producers because they ruined his show by overdoing it?


The redemption Brents character has by the end of The Office is washed away only to be redone in the last 20 mins of the film. They slow played his arc so well in the TV series, it seems silly to do it again.

It's not a terrible film but compared to Alpha Papa it falls short of being continuation of the character and more a rehash of what he's already done. Songs could have been stronger also.

It is dreadful on all levels. But not as bad as Derek.

Aw man Derek was awful so so so awful and I'm a big fan of pilkington and gervais

Complete dogshit. Ironically it's like it was made by the cunts who did the American version.

Did Brent give an awkward look directly into the camera in the trailer?

You know how in trailers when they play music, and then a character says something, and they stop the music to make it look like there was a joke?


Looks terrible.

what's wiyh the weird laugh? I don't remember him having that in the office.

It does look utter shite but I have to confess that I did giggle at the " dwarves aren't babies " and " it won't fit her " lines.

I'm guessing there's no need to watch it now.

I love you guys, I'm blessed to have this little spot of sanity on the internet

He didn't mention atheism once so I came out happy.

I saw it the other day. It was not good. The whole concept of him being filmed was flawed yet alone the tour and him hiring a band, bus, needless hotels and everyone being a total dick to the guy who was paying for them just didn't make any sense at all

It also kinda ignores the end of the office and anything he learnt from that he'd forgotten.

I want to see this awfulshit now its so meta.

Ricky Gervais' Flight of the Concords is not very good.

I liked it, not hilarious but watchable.

Sickeningly bad. The best thing about the Office is you always wanted more Brent and he was used in small doses. In the movie it is all Brent with the typical Gervais over sentimental shit (like Derek). Avoid

It was painful to watch., the office was great but the office had nice moments without brent. This was all brent being unbearable, till the end turned it around a little.

I have just seen it I thought it was good and sometimes a bit sad, it's definitely not cringey though. I liked the end it was quite emotional, I love his resilience, I felt desperately sorry for him. I just love the office though I have watched it over and over and over and love the layered comedy it's very clever. David Brent is just an awesome character, I wish Steven merchant collaborated on it he is extremely awkward

How was school today?

I agree. Had a really depressing vibe. But I kinda hate how people reacted towards him, it just wasn't 'real'.

I really hate everything Gervais has done since Extras (golden globes gigs were funny, but co written by Smerch), and have gone from fan to anti-fan since he joined Twitter.

Derek, Special Correspondents and what ever else... I can't put into words how I feel about them and the people who praised them.

I watched Life on The Road tonight, and I thought it was quite good. Maybe because my expectations were so low... but it did make me laugh a few times.

The actual story was basically nothing, was just 70 odd minutes of laughing at and pitying Brent. Some of the writing, directing and acting was horrible too. Pretty much zero subtlety, even on the bits which were written/directed to be subtle (camera panning to audience, facial expressions, background cast)

I honestly wanted to hate it. When it was first released I looked up reviews hoping it was gonna bomb

I kinda enjoyed it even though there was a lot I disliked about it. Doubt I'll ever want to watch it again though. I give it a 3/7

just watched this film last night..... it was REALLY bad.

I don't have energy right now to go into details but please trust me when I tell you that this film was a complete waste of time, cripplingly unfunny and a piss-poor effort from Gervais. Shits on the legacy of the original series with no apologies. Recommend avoiding this one.

Shameful 2/10

it made me very sad for a week


Jim Jeffries isn't British you fucking spastic.

He's lived in the UK most of his adult life.

Yeah... but he's Australian.

It makes no sense for him to go back to Australia as he's been living in the UK for like a decade.

He hasn't lived in the UK for almost a decade now. He lives in LA.

Well then he should go back there then.

....do you think everyone white who isn't American is British?

The only thing missing was you calling them all liberal cucks you fucking faggot

Even on a sub full of assholes, you're extremely unlikeable.

The office (uk) is probably a bit clever for you in all honesty

There was a funny part in one of the episodes where the alcoholic character is talking about love and starts describing the marriage of Hitler and Eva Braun in the bunker just before killing themselves and have their bodies set on fire.

It makes no sense for him to go back to Australia as he's been living in the UK for like a decade.

How was school today?

I agree. Had a really depressing vibe. But I kinda hate how people reacted towards him, it just wasn't 'real'.