Guest Suggestions for the Jim & Sam show

55  2016-12-13 by TheScarletR

Most of us have complained at one point or another about the awful guests/interviews. This is a list that they can come back to and see who listeners want.

/u/TheRealJimNorton, I don't expect you to take this as your guide, but it's here to reference when you guys are deciding who to book.

Do this the same way we do the Power Rankings; post names and upvote the suggestions you agree with.


More Bob Kelly/Dave attell/Rich Vos etc. The core comedians always make the show better.

Vos going on Opies shit show constantly and not touching jim and sam is getting old. Vos vs Jimmy is always an instant classic

The only times I've caught Vos on The Opie Solo Raqio Show feat. co-hosts, it's gone something like:

ME: So Rich, where y'at with the _______

Vos: Hersh the thing, I think _______


Vos: «polite chuckle because he needs the promotion»

This threads got some power . whoa

It's practically a crime for Bobo not to come in solo

It's been too long since I had a Mr. Maloonigans update or even received clarity as to what kind of dog he is.

I wonder what borough of New York he lives in now.

You know, I suddenly forgot where Bruce Springsteen was from. Damnit!

He's uh schnoodle awlroight

The dog died.

Bobo and Fez

Bobo and David reunion

I cant think of anyone I'd rather hear than those two

Bobby, Colin, Anthony, Ronny, Dave, Gavin, Louis, Bam, Gomez, Dan Soder, Artie, Ari, Jeffries, Norm, Burr, Dixon, Roy, fucking ANYBODY but a "...who?" celebrity like they have been. NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO CELEBRITIES PLUG!

Edit: Sorry forgot Vos. No Bonnie tho

No Schumer, Leslie Jones, or SJW/ Political Activist comedians. We want to be entertained and not opinions on society. Just as we are civilians to standup comedy, comics are the civilians for everything outside of being funny.



The first hour of every show is opinions on society. Or does it not bother you because you agree with it most of the time?

No its bullshit. They can recap the news if needed, but sam has nothing of merit to say and jim is better at make one comment/ joke and move on. Sam bastardizes it with his fucking agenda (making up facts and drive his point into the ground). No one cares about his point of view. He needs to steer the ship or be the office shit stirrer, and get out of the way. move on

But he contributes so much with his porpoise laugh

Mah brothamaaan!!!

ewwww Gavin would be fucking horrendous on this show.

Yeah, please no Gavin. The show already has a clown and a shit-stirrer. Gavin has enough outlets for his schtick.

Let Ronnie B wet his beak

I don't think they would play off of him that well, but I would like to see Norm in studio.

We all would, but Jim would rather see Brock Lesnar.

I vote for no one, until Sam learns that his job isn't to act like a 12-yr-old and mock all the guests and pretend he already knows enough that he can dismiss something as soon as a guest says it cause it doesn't match his chicken fingers and wrestling life experience.

When Norm was on O&A the one time Anthony was the only one who had a great rapport with him. Jimmy seemed jealous.

Opie had a better chance when he had the Stangels, because of the Letterman connection.

Brendan dassey


Dasseybesso, dasobesetho

Patrice O'neal

PM me I've got some bad news

Even in his current state he's be more interesting than at least 90% of the guests.

After Jim actively sabotaged Nick Mullen's appearance, I guess just Rich Vos since he probably won't feel threatened by him.

He needs to come in on a Friday show, if you know what I'm saying.

Why did he sabotage it? Too keep a good comedian down? Or just being a old guy who is out of the loop?

It definitely wasn't just "a old guy who is out of the loop", he was going out of his way to stop a good riff from starting between anyone in the room. It was very opie-like. Nick even commented on it a few times on his podcast.

The only thing I can think is, like you said, trying to keep a good comedian down. But Nick has written for Jim in the past, and I would've assumed Jim was the main reason Nick was on the show the day.

I lost all respect for Jim after Nick's appearance

The difference of Nick on J&S compared to 2 hours of fun and laughs when Nick was on TACS a few days ago was astounding.

Not sure what Jimmy was doing that day, but it was bad.

Nick wrote for jim? When?

For his vice show at least. Im pretty sure Metzger mentions it on the YKWD with him and Nick, and I heard it somewhere else too but can't remember where.

Yeah I thought that was really fucked up. I never seen that side of Jim. He was being extremely cunty and boring. Nick is a funny, up and coming stand up.

I doubt they are ever searching through names to see who to book. It's probably who's available/healed up from their sexual reassignment surgery.

If they get snipped Yimmy wants nothing to do with them

This comment had me on the brink of laughter.

Anthony Cumia

Jim Jefferies, Anthony Jeselnik, Jeff Ross, Bobby Lee, Dave Attell, Danny McBride, Eric Andre, Kyle Kinane, Tracy Morgan, Reggie Watts, Dan Bakkedahl, Paul Rudd, H. Jon Benjamin, Ben Hoffman/Wheeler Walker Jr., Nathan Fielder, Christopher Meloni, Judah Friedlander, Joe Lo Truglio, Michael Cera, Paul Scheer, Jon Lajoie, Mark Duplass


Don't care much for about half those people but the other half gets an upvote.

This is the right answer.

Kyle kinkane, Michael cera, Paul scheer? Fucking ewwww.

Don't you ever disrespect George Michael Bluth

Go wait in the stair car with plant

Guests dont really matter. I mean, someone sitting in on third mic did like Burr, Patrice or CK. But none of the great moments of the O&A show came from a random hour long interview where they usher someone in and out. All of the great moments involved the repoire of hosts/staff/friends of the show

By guests, I mean anyone who isn't already part of the show, including comics sitting in as third mic.

Repoire. Dumbest fags on Earth.

They need to make it more of a hang maaaaaaan.

If only they had the bigger studio!

Colin Quinn.

/u/Jackthejew lists off Bob Kelly, Dave Attell and Rich Vos without CQ. Fuck him.

Colin goes without saying you fuck

BMoney just got a D-minus for spelling his name.

Michio Kaku


Dylann Roof

Its about time we heard his side of the story!

Jim Jefferies and Bobby Lee are fucking great guests. Dont mind Gervais too.

Failing that someone they can get in a row with and rip on Nancy Grace -esque

Don't have Gervais in until the Trump shit settles down. Go after Islam too you pedantic fuck.

I'm too lazy to go looking, but I've seen him bash Islam on Twitter.

Wish they could have Ricky, Jimmy Carr and Ant. The laughing of Norton Ricky and Jimmy Carr would be music

Dennis Falcone

I am glad that they listened to my suggestion.

Samuel Hydeberg

He'd be great but I think Sam (Roberts) said they asked him and he said no

why would Sam Roberts say no if MDE asked?

Is Hyde blacklisted from everything! Outrageous censorship by the Jim & Sam show!

I think you misconstrued my comment sir.

"They" being the SiriusXM crew

i was just joking but it really only came off as retarded

Its a real thin line, sometimes


Like the second week of shows. I think it was discussed here at the time

Jesse "The Body" Ventura.


Jerry Sandusky.

Jim would get a autograph

Its about time we heard his side of the story!

Jared Loughner

John Hinckley, Jr.

The Zodiac Killer

Sam's mom

Sue Lightning, so that we can finally get to the bottom of Anthony's transsexuals escapades.

The guy that smashed the glass jar in his asshole.

Bobo's sister

Bashar al-Assad

i thought the jar ass guy died from his wounds

We'd actually be in touch with the Top of Anthony's transsexual escapades

NO MORE UFC blab. Nobody tunes in to listen to twig and lump's insights on anything athletic.

Mohamed Atta

They mentioned mohammed from 90 day... that would actually be pretty funny if they kept making him discuss his fat wifes twat


Dave Attell alone and Artie Lange.

Nick Mullen

Sam hyde

Dylan Klebold

cant forget Eric Harris. A trench coat mafia reunion is long overdue.

Lady Di

Dave Atell and Gary Busey everyday. More Bob Kelly. Greg Giraldo if we can reach him.


Not until opie finishes failing.


Eric the Midget

Whats goatse man up to these days?

Dzhokar tsarnaev. He could do a little cookware segment.

You know what would be interesting? Chelsea Peretti.

I also wouldn't mind if (good guests) came back sooner or more frequently and created throughlines in the show's "story". It's also cool if they bring in more unknown or random comics. If they're good then great, and if they're bad they can smash them.


Me, Esther Ku!

Please sit on my FACE!

Get fawkin' zooted on air.

Joey Diaz

Brian Gilgore


Intern David or bust

East Side Dave, niggah.

Randall "Tex" Cobb.

Less of Sam talking

Esther Ku

No more porn girls or sports guys.

Gavin McInnis would be an interesting guest. Also RZA from Wu Tang Clan would be great.

Mary Jean, Intern David, Sandy Kane, Bobo

No man

More mary jean. I want them get more in depth on that molestation.

Needs to get my dick wet again.

Gregg Opie Hughes

Billy Mitchell

Sam Hyde

I'd like for them to get Jon Ronson on. Think he's still new york based and did one of jimmys failed tv shows. Is a writer who has done all sorts of books on extremists as wide ranging as Islamist terrorists to alex jones and the bilderberg group he also did the book the men who stare at goats, one on psychopathic people and how CEO's tend to be them and then one on online 'public shaming' all topics that the show has touched on anyway

Is that code for Don Johnson? Miami Vice talk would be nostalgic.

Billy Mitchell

If its jim and sam going under cover to post this, or just some fans trying reach out to the show, its sad either way


The grim reaper, just kidding haha.

be careful with that mate i will pray for you

Bonnies sister

As long as they don't forget that I danced!

Gavin mcinnes.

David Jew

Hmm, first off - more wrestling/political talk and porn star interviews. Can't get enough. Also, stop spreading dirt about Opie. It's boring, take the high road. Consider censoring the language a bit. Nasty words don't make the world go round. The Uncle Paul stuff is over the line. Can't imagine management supports that BIT. I get you guys can't get Sherrod, or Vic Henley, or Florentine... but just chill with the cheap shots at the ffffockin Opster. sniff

Please have Smith & Wesson in both of your mouths, if possible. ASAP. THANKS! Big fan!

Why are you giving therealjimnorton giest advice. It's always him that gets threatened lately by the incoming guest.

So they don't have excuses for booking objectively terrible guests.

The first couple weeks the excuse was "these were already booked from the previous show", but there have been plenty of awful guests since then

Maybe Roland will stroke out and they can get a decent booker.

Roland for third mic?

Roland for third bypass

Bobo, Stalker Patti, Lady Di can call in from the Navy, Gary Busey, Norm MacDonald, Doug Stanhope. People who are entertaining talkers or whose mere presence provides content have always been what drew me in.

Well yesterday they had one of the greatest standups in history and had some faggot screamo musician Jamie Jasta talk over him the entire time - really enjoyed it.

Dl hugely.

Bobby Lee

jocktober once a week

jockthursday or whatever

Surely theres plenty shows to shit on

I'd like them to do Bennington and vice versa

Pete Rose

I say get some balls and have opie on

Jesse Ventura

Gary and Bobo show

I want another Bobo/Ira/Oscar show mixup. Throw Bobby Kelly in there too why not

Chris stanley with either Chris from Brooklyn or BXJ!




Nancy Grace


Mohammed Atta

Me and Bobo as a super team.

They should get trump and Hillary in together to chat it out

The guy who Kenny tackled and held while Opie yelled "How's that feel fucker!"

Rocky Aoki

they should do that thing again where they make men perform gay acts in front of them... you know... as a goof

Bring in Charles Manson to kill you both, with kindness.

Luis J Broadcast. At least once a month.

I'd like to have a Dipaolo appearance where he isn't on edge because they made him sit next to a black person.

Club soda kenny


I dont know how the rest of you fags feel about barstool sports but with them in nyc now and there own sirius show they should definately have guys like kfc pres and big cat on

Clive James

More MMA fighters, wrestlers, and intimidating black men for Jim and Sam to submissively express their own feeling of masculine inadequacy in front of. I think we can all agree it's what the audience wants and not just two closeted bottoms verbally masturbating to their ritualized masochistic fetishes.

How about a permanent guest host to replace the ghost of /u/TheRealJimNorton ?

A noose.

Whoever the fuck they want.

I need an update on this douchebag.

Will you shut up

They could have Jesus Christ himself on and it would still be fucking amateur hour with hack boy and fag man.

Get Artie on there

I'll do it


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Lose Sam, he sucks. Get Cumia back and add Bennington

Kirk Fox.

Anyone other than one of Jim's old friends, damn that Frank guy was fucking horrendous.

Naming a bunch of new guests for the show won't help. Their interview style is boring. That can't be fixed with new guests.


I think the list should have reasonable guests. That said, I would like to see an Obama vs Trump debate with Ant moderating.

CQ Mondays, Soder Tuesdays, CQ Wednesdays, Vos with special guest CQ Thursdays, then open Fridays - maybe a surprise stop in by CQ. I love diversity.

Stephen Laberge the go to for knowledge on lucid dreaming.

Trade God Patrice for Sam Roberts

No more Kat Timpf. For someone who communicates for a living, she doesn't do it very well. Can't play along with a line of jokes, and the vocal fry is eardrum shattering.

The police officer who banged florentines wife.

Here's one. Replace Jim and Sam. keep travis dog

no more porn stars, ufc guys, wrestlers or trannies.

The grim reaper

Colin Quinn: Now & Forever

Once again... Not Jay(son). Not Dave(id) jew. Hashtag The Show. The Joan Jett of comedy. AND NEW. The Puerto Rican Rattlesnake, Luis J Gomez.

FIRE or KILL sam. im completely serious. sam is fucking radio cancer death and is unlistenable.

  • John Cena
  • Stephen Fry
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Tim Allen
  • Margaret Cho
  • David Cross
  • Mick Foley
  • Ron Funches
  • Rich Hall
  • Bobby Lee
  • Jeff Ross
  • Ali Wong
  • Tom Green
  • Colin Mochrie
  • Nikki Payne

George Takei

Ian Edwards.

Rick Ingraham, if the fucking guy would ever leave LA. (Super fucking mean comedian)

Burt Young (Paulie from Rocky). He's funny, really sharp for his age, and just has fucking loads of insane stories. I hung out with him once for a whole day and the stories were just staggering. He has so many insane tales of hanging out with James Caan in the 70s, who was just a fucking maniac. Ask him about the time James Caan wanted to get rid of the swordfish, so they took it to Sammy Davis Jr's house. It's fucking hilarious. (Get him on, before he croaks)

Fuck Ian Edwards. Joe Rogans colored cock sucker.

You never even heard Ian Edwards, damn you. That dude is one of the best comics working.

Redbadn is Rogans colored cocksucker. (He's just white colored)

Ian Edwards stinks and I don't like him.

Ian Edwards has a bit about a magical barber that flies around the world and gives all retards the same haircut that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. He's a rotten little man. Give his stand up a shot sometime, he's total O&A associate material.

"Nah, playa."

Don't you ever disrespect George Michael Bluth


cant forget Eric Harris. A trench coat mafia reunion is long overdue.

It's been too long since I had a Mr. Maloonigans update or even received clarity as to what kind of dog he is.

The first hour of every show is opinions on society. Or does it not bother you because you agree with it most of the time?

I vote for no one, until Sam learns that his job isn't to act like a 12-yr-old and mock all the guests and pretend he already knows enough that he can dismiss something as soon as a guest says it cause it doesn't match his chicken fingers and wrestling life experience.