Opie fans baffle me. How are these real people?

33  2016-12-13 by cosko


Classic opie always on the defensive immediately

You can almost hear the high pitched voice just by reading it

How hard is it to say"oh man thought my love was felt. HUGE fan of the bay area. GO PACKERS GO"

difficulty level: Bobo

Even towards his personal made up "fan" persona.

Judging by the fan's syntax he is either retarded or Opie's Twitter alt.


Could also be an unattractive filipino woman in a call center.


How can he not see how hateable he is.

Maybe the tits get in za way?

If I had any kind of power to I would round up all these weird ass Opie fans on twitter and have them put into a life of torture experiments until they realize what exactly is wrong with them and can explain it to me

nigga this comment made me laugh for 2 minutes straight

Theres no love from the bay area dont be fooled opie

They aren't people.

ding ding


I met one. He was a huge fan of the O&A days but was too stupid to realize how shit Opie is at his job. These people are dumb that's all it is.

So bobo basically?

The "fan" is Opie, too. He's creating these people to show management that he still has fans after Lynsi said, "nuh uh bitch Tits, you better keep that moolah coming in or I'll leave you with Bam's kids and go find myself a new Brother Joe..."

Just dumb truckers.

People like all kinds of crazy stuff! I heard some people like to eat shit during sex. It's called a scat fetish - Me? I'll leave that freaky-deaky hanky-panky stuff to the ivory tower intellectuals. Give me man-on-top, missionary position and a container of coffee and I'm fine.

I refuse to believe that he has any fans, they have to be trolls, each and every one

Oqie is going for the old scorch technique of writing your own fan love

Why did you protect the identity of that faggot? I was looking forward to leaving him a hateful comment.

He was just giving him BS. Got him good with that one.

that's his mom

I thought Eric The Midget was dead

*Eric the deceased actor.

How is he writing these then?

Sheer spite.

I think middle aged men like Opie's new show. I think that is the demo they are going for. Probably going for the dumb trucker demo.

I have a suspicion a lot of those ballwashing comments are opie's alts

I understand that there are people out there who love bland horseshit....what I don't understand is how these people discovered Opie....or that weird swath of the fanbase that were O&A fans but then just kind of broke off into Opie's camp.

"fans" There's only one fan of Opie and it's Opie.

Soros funding.


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Think of a stereotypical frat guy. There you go.

They all have bobo IQ levels.

do you see bobo ever tweeting opie nowadays? they are far below him.

They aren't real. It's a paid service. Where were these people when it was Opie and Jim? He's paid a service to pad his ego. But then again, maybe Tits is appealing to the zoo crew crowd.

It could be great satire!

Nice thing to know is however that Opie almost has no fans left, so it becomes more and more likely.

That's Opie talking to himself on a dummy account in hopes of saving his job. How is this not obvious to you.


I think that was "management's" twitter.

He's answering paid fans now? What a douche.

tsss baffle, what are you a wall or something'.

Yeah tsss why ya just talking to a wall or somethin?