What are the chances of Louie doing Ants show?

1  2016-12-12 by OldGravyGregg

I was listening to


and got reminded of how well Louie and Ant play off each other. Louie is leftist when it comes to economics. He's solidly on the right when it comes to speech. They're very similar comedy-wise and I suspect Louie hates Opie nearly as much as I do. Has Louie talked about Ant since the firing or mentioned whether or not he'd do his show?


The chances are the same as /u/NathanTheSnake making someone laugh.

So it's a sure thing then?

Old Louis and new Louis are completely different, I remember he called Sarah palin Hitler but it was actually a joke. Now he makes lame comparisons of trump to hitler.

I don't think it was a joke lol, in fact it was so vitriolic he decided to delete the tweets.

I thought that was because he made fun of Palin's daughter.

Was it her daughter or the retard-makin cunt thing?

No this was on air on o&a not his Twitter

It sucks that you can be awesome on your way up but when you get there it all has to end. But the Trump political story is very similar to the Hitler political story. - which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It's almost in no way similar at all. I'm not saying this as a pro-Trump person either. They're just very different upbringings and political starts.

As a pro-Hitler person, Hitlers rise to power was an overreaction to disastrous domestic policies and a desire to return to the old days when Germany was a like a super-power. The jews were their mexicans.

Hitler grew up poor, was a war veteran, and then rose to power by breaking the system Germany had in place (ex. his political party would pose sit-ins so votes couldn't be cast). He then announced himself chancellor after beating/killing most of his political enemies. The hate against jews and other 'undesirables' was already there but was amplified after losing WW1.

Trump is none of those things and his story is not similar.

edit: I also believe the notion wasn't 'return to being a superpower'. They believed in having 'pure blood' and that having anything other than German lineage made you less 'pure'. This is not similar to MAGA.

He appealed to rednecks who felt their country had lost it's greatness (member WW1?), capitalized on racial hatred, lost the popular vote but was made chancellor due to procedural methods (electoral college?) No, Trumps story is in no way similar.

Electoral college actually served it's purpose where no state would be too powerful in deciding an election. Hitler won because his party actually broke the government on purpose. He then announced himself this leadership position which was more of a dictatorship (what Germany didn't have before). Hitler didn't just appeal to rednecks either, but Germany was overall fucked economically after WW1 so there was a lot of poor. Plus Trump didn't win because he capitalized on racial hatred, he won because democrats had a lower voting turnout to republicans average turnout.

You're also forgetting you like peckahs in your mouth and a total faggot.

What part of your malfunctioning brain decided that going into micro-specifics is a way to invalidate a comparison? A peach is a lot like a nectarine, i mean they're both orange and round and grow on trees and have slightly similar flavors. "Oh no, no ,no ,no you see a peach has fuzzy skin and grows predominantly in this latitude while nectarines . . ." You stupid cunt, knock it off.


As someone who was once autistically obsessed with taxonomy, that was a fun read.

Thank you. Wann see my butthole?


You tried to draw a comparison and I questioned the logic behind it, sir. What you just said now is trying to make it sound like it is down to semantics, but I think I proved that there isn't a lot of similarities between these 2 individuals.

If anything there's more similarities between FDR and Trump. Both rich kids, ran for office when big business didn't want them to, ran a campaign of being tough on business and corruption, etc. I'm not a Trump fan either.

NO faggot, you see FDR was in a wheelchair and smoked a cigarette in a cigarette holder and was married to an American while Trump blah blah blah. You should consider suicide. How is it you haven't been murdered yet? Are you really fast or something?

Please do not talk about my running speed, it's the one thing I'm kind of sensitive about

I don't know why they call it a final solution, i mean i'm still dissolvin stuff. Tss.

Holy fuck are you ever a dunderhead.

What are you? A fucking cartoon penguin?

If you think solidly right wing is pro free speech you couldn't be more wrong. Historically and actually. Despite the sjw's, the left wing in this country has been far more pro free speech than their counterparts on the right. Look at the Supreme Court. Even trump's tweets about flag burning are so blatantly anti American, anti Founding Fathers. Loss of citizenship? What? And this was after he was elected. Trump is as against the first amendment as his is for the second.

I'm speaking of right and left the way we experience them today, in upside-down world where journalism means linking to what other people write and literally means figuratively.

Fair point

Outlook not so good


thank you magic 8 ball. we should mount you in Katherine Hepburn's cunt so we can get vague answers on demand.

All signs point to yes

The Browns and the 49ers have a bigger chance of winning the super bowl this year.

After he gets NYC studio,new desk, & Jimmy dropping in all the time just to support his old pal.


about the same chance as Patrice doing his show

Zero. Louie goes on shows only to promote his own work. Unless Ant gets a substantial audience again, I wouldn't hold my breath. He was on Opie & Jimmy once and only because he was at Sirius to do Stern the same day


Less than zero.


With a margin of error of 3% we have a -3% chance of Louie coming on.

I think he's due for an entering-old-age attitude shift. He's gonna react to the collapse of the left. It's the only direction he can go in to not be a fake. That makes him a candidate for Ants show because he genuinely likes Ant.

What are the chances of Burr going on TACS?

You think the right is pro free speech? Lol

Todays alt-right is. PS only cunts Lol sarcastically.

I don't think it was a joke lol, in fact it was so vitriolic he decided to delete the tweets.

It sucks that you can be awesome on your way up but when you get there it all has to end. But the Trump political story is very similar to the Hitler political story. - which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

As a pro-Hitler person, Hitlers rise to power was an overreaction to disastrous domestic policies and a desire to return to the old days when Germany was a like a super-power. The jews were their mexicans.