Cindy from Brady Bunch fired for calling some dude a faggot

22  2016-12-11 by crookedmile


My favorite is "Leon Acord-Whiting" kicked it all off by demanding she "be fired" because he didn't like that she was a Donald Trump supporter and talked about it on her show.

The tolerant, open minded left. Always.


That's not where the outrage came from. It's the fact that she started sending him Facebook messages calling him a faggot and they got posted publicly. She got what her dumb ass deserved. Put your "I hate the left" stupidity away and get your facts straight.

Yes, she didn't start messaging him until he went on a public crusade against her. She messaged him because she was pissed.

And no, I wont, the left are a bunch of childish hypocrites and Im tired of it and so is the rest of America and that's why Trump won.

Trump won because the people that voted for him are stupid enough to think he wants to change the system that enriched him in the first place. I give him points for being adept enough to manipulate the morons that fill the center of this country into once again voting against their own interests, but what you perceive as " the left" is just the percentage of the population mature enough to know that Trump is a conman that doesn't give a shit about anyone. Also Fuck Cindy Brady. If someone isn't smart enough to know that sending messages that can be shared and have language embarrassing to their employers can get them fired , then Fuck her. She did it to herself. This was no crime of "the left". But I hope that hate keeps you warm at night after world continues to pass you by.

So Trump is dumb and so is everyone that voted for him, you're smart cause you didn't and are better than us. Got it.

Not actually what I said, but go ahead and think that. Plenty of smart people voted for Trump because they were Republicans and decided that holding their noses and voting for the party was better than voting for Hillary. The people that voted for Trump because they think he gives a shit about them are morons. Period. And I never said anything about being smarter than anyone else, but go ahead and enjoy that rampaging inferiority complex you've got going.

So I totally caught you on it, then you felt like an ass and are now remonstrating yourself. You already revealed your true colors to us, son. You are a liberal elitist and we've had it with your kind. I hope one day you can move more towards the center of the road of things; no one likes an extremist.

But trump hitler. You racist. They dumb, cause he lie. Shwartzeneger is new apprentice so vote him u dumb jerk


You caught nothing you sad sack. And if you hate elitists so much why did you vote for one? It's hilarious the way you defend a man that would cross the street to avoid the likes of you. And by the way I didn't feel like an ass. Just clarifying my original point because you're too fucking stupid not to read into it things that weren't there. And by the way, I'm no liberal you dumb Fuck. But go ahead and tell yourself what you like. I am however an elitist. It's why I'm more successful than you. Enjoy your trailer or whatever shithole you live in.

Oh, my love. Settle down.

I'm pretty sure /u/Doc_McCoy79 lives in public housing.

Come by to check it out any time. I'll make brownies.

Actually, once us liberal elites are back in power you people are going into death camps so we can actually make America great again. Right wingers deserve death.

"Liberal elites" Aren't you an alcoholic with a dead end job?

Not totally dead end. And I'm a student so there's hope. I meant elite as in I'm much smarter than you are, which is why I win every argument I have with you. I can see why youd be mad.

Haha I've never argued with you about politics before but way to shatter the snobbish liberal stereotype.

Hey, shut up, it's Christmas.

Did you just assume my religious affiliation? Smh, Happy Kwanzaa brotherman.

Be more funny.

You're a faggot. Get me fired you faggot

I like your style.

My mild annoyance at the Left is nowhere near enough to justify having an idiot manchild as President. You haven't begun to see "childish". Missteps and blunders are going to be calcified into U.S. policy to save face for the next 4 years.

That's right, mmmMMAANNN!

Great comeback.

Thank you

Great comment to leave a comeback for.

Great comeback

Come on my back

Trump lost the popular vote, which means that most of America still isn't retarded. If you voted Trump, youre a retard. End of discussion.

The open minded, accepting, non-fascist left. There it is.

I'm not open minded or accepting. If you're a trump supporter you're scum.

Hillary supporters aren't scum. They didn't set fire to republican voting headquarters, routinely beat and assault Trump supporters, cause nationwide riots in cities causing thousands in property damage, block public streets and freeways so regular hard working citizens could just get to their jobs or get home from their jobs. You guys have been fantastic. Keep it up, Im SURE you'll have a democratic candidate that will win in 4 years.

Trump supporters commit hate crimes, burn down black churches and attack people at their political rallies, so the score is even as far as shitty individual behavior goes. I mean you're scum in that you thought voting for Trump was a good idea.

Please find me documented examples of them committing "hate crimes" and "burning down black churches." And please don't try "one guy from the KKK supported Trump" so that = Trump endorses the KKK.

I would never say trump endorses the KKK. I might say Trump supporters largely do, but that's another issue. Google the black church burned down that had a swastika and "vote trump" spray painted on it. If you deny it was a trump voter than I deny that a Hillary voter burned down the NC Republican headquarters because you don't have any solid proof either.

Now wait just a god damn minute here; if someone burned down an OPPOSING POLITICAL PARTY'S voting offices (two of them), then you can say without a doubt it was Hillary supporters/liberals/lefties.

If some cunt burned down a church and then someone wrote "Vote Trump" on it AFTERWARDS, that's a completely different thing. What's the motivation behind burning down a church, what does a church have to do with Trump or the election? There's an MO with burning down a political voting office, you dummy. It's pretty obvious.

They didn't write it afterward. They painted a swastika and "vote trump" on it and torched it. And the message is pretty obvious - "fuck these niggers, trump for president". If you're going to dispute how obvious this is, then I'll just say that it's obvious that a right winger torched a campaign office to make liberals look bad.

Also good job with the correct usage of a semicolon. I never see that and I'm never brave enough to try.

How do you know?? Who are you, De Niro in Backdraft? You're an arson expert?

I give up, pal. Let's agree to disagree. We're both stupid.

It's Christmas :)

You're a faggot! Now try to get me fired you fucking faggot.

You're not important enough for anyone to fire. Assuming you even have a job. Now go back to whining to your mom about how much Opie sucks and letting the world know why you hate Jim so much.

What does cum taste like?

Ask your dad.

You really like talking about people's dads.

Is it because your dad penetrated your anus and turned you into a fucking piece of shit eating faggot?

He schooled you. Just be quiet and walk away, you're embarrassing yourself

Awww, baby boy is still looking for a hero to protect him. Has your anus healed from the ramming you received?

What the fuck are you talking about you mouth breather? I've won every single argument I've had on this board without a single exception.

OK eurofag and Trump will never win. Go jerk off to thoughts of your horse-faced, inbred rulers.

Okay eurofag, go jack off to your Cheeto faced retard president. Have fun realizing what you've done over the next half a decade.

Eight years eurofag. Only a pissy little eurofag would think it's "edgy" to emulate Glenn Beck.


That's right faggot show your true colors, you fucking clam. What's the matter, Prince Charles got your tongue? Between his ass cheeks!

Keep playing the role of the last word whore because you have no real reply and you've, once again, been dominated.

No I mean why are you calling me a eurofag and why are you calling me Glenn Beck? You're just spouting off a nonsense word salad. Calm down you furious little retard.

Whatever you fucking faggot. Go back to rooting in and eating shit because that's what you faggots love the most. You faggot coprophile.

Boy you talk about gay stuff a lot. You probably like cock. You should look into that. Ask your dad. I'm sure he'd love to share.

Bet youd love to watch.

I asked, he wouldn't. You're a faggot, faggot.

I guess calling someone a faggot is considered a homophobic rant these days. Remember when bending the truth was considered lying?

Yes. "Rant" is one of the most over-used words online, I find. Like any of these Twitter "rants", they're not rants, but the medium requires multiple successive posts. So something that you could write in 2 paragraphs or say in one minute becomes a rant if certain words are used.

The kind of rage you develop only after being raised the youngest child of a closeted homosexual who died of AIDS.

But good news for Ant. Sounds like the perfect hole to join his roster.

give her a break, her tv mother just passed away and Mr. Brady died of AIDS disgracing the family.

Mr Brady was a mister shady

"Yo Baaarrryyy, where we at wit da Cindy 'faggot' post? sniff"

Way to be a Tattle-Tail

It just says homophobic rant. Not specifically that she called him a faggot. She could have called him a pickle sniffer, pillow biter, cum guzzler, twinkle toes, the list goes on.

The quote is in the damn article

Ha, gotta love the 'my dick is bigger than yours' slam. lol

She also used to make her living by growing hydroponic marijuana with her ex-husband

The youngest one in curls

Ant will hire her.

I wish we could've heard her say it with that cute lisp

Was it Greg?

Not to sound like a homophobe or nothing but dissing someone on Facebook is classic faggot behavior.

Damn, she talks like a "true G".

Kind of gay that u can get into a fight with someone, call them a faggot, and then someone tells on you and you can get fired.

The guy was acting faggy though...






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I'm not sure whether to be revolted or aroused.

If I got a nickel for every time I got fired for calling someone a faggot, Id have zero nickels. Pointless post is pointless

At first I didn't care about this and then I read it in Cindy's voice and almost laughed.

“Hey there little pussy, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of shit too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook. You are the biggest faggot ass in the world the biggest pussy! My Dick is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of shit you are! Lying faggot! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY”

She should have told him to stop being a big fucking 'MARSHA'

Cindy grew up to be a true savage

Yes, she didn't start messaging him until he went on a public crusade against her. She messaged him because she was pissed.

And no, I wont, the left are a bunch of childish hypocrites and Im tired of it and so is the rest of America and that's why Trump won.

You're a faggot! Now try to get me fired you fucking faggot.

Great comeback.

Trump supporters commit hate crimes, burn down black churches and attack people at their political rallies, so the score is even as far as shitty individual behavior goes. I mean you're scum in that you thought voting for Trump was a good idea.