Schinkle bowd it, comrade

23  2016-12-11 by Acatalepsia


Going to college without getting into massive debt is fairly easy. You go to Community College for the 1st 2 years, live with your parents, and work. Then you transfer to a 4 year school that is fairly close, and commute from your parents house. That's what I did. And had almost no debt. But most people want the "college experience". And the college experience is expensive.

Yes! I say this all the time. If money is an issue, you SHOULD NOT be going to university for four years. Go to community college. Transfer. And work and/or live at home so Your loans are tuition only, not living expenses. In the end you'd owe 15-20k tops.

Most people's loans are all the extra money they let you take for room and board.

personally i found the community college setting more rigorous in science and math because of the smaller class size. they can really look over your shoulder in a room of 24. everything else seemed a bit equal.

also, at CC they don't coddle you. a good amount of students are older and have already seen a bit of life. they don't care about being inclusive all that much or hurting your feefees (not that they're trying to).

went from community college and into "big university" science classes, and yeah they kinda do treat you as if you're a child because most everybody is. substantially more scantily dressed girls though... so there's that.


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You can also join the military for a few years and then get paid to go.

Or die in the middle east. Which is nice.

Same here. It's the siren song of grad school where they bend you over and fuck ya.

fucking idiot communists thinking capitalism invented the idea of debt. i guess that's why all those communist countries have no debt and everything works out.

LSC is a very short-sighted sub.


"Debt is the modern equivalent of slavery"

lol, yeah crack that whip massa. You can tell no one in that sub is an econ major because the idea of net worth and wealth are clearly interchangeable to them.

I don't know which system is better, yours or our with "free" schooling and "free" healthcare. We get taxed and I mean TAXED up the ass for it.

Fuck college. Learn a trade. Or don't and just work regular gigs like I did. My father is a PhD college professor and I have a higher net worth than him at 28 years his junior. He has no other kids and his wife also works, yet together, they're not doing as well as me financially. I'm no fucking investing whiz. I'm a fucking bar bouncer. A lot of Academians are just shitheads when it comes to thinking practically. Some have this laissez-faire kind of attitude because in their minds, they feel that their education excuses them from hard work.

You misused laissez-faire.

Source: academic shithead, me et al., (2016).

Yeah, it was a very broad usage whereby I meant relaxed, free, and easy. Anyway, I have no use for someone with 12 years of adult education who can't even buy a co-op or a townhouse. Miss me with that. Miss me with going to college for 4 years to come out working as a barista or standing in Zuccotti Park with a bunch of malconted creeps and faggots. From my persective, unless we're talking one of maybe 20-25 collegiate career paths, you're better off learning how to fix toilets or elevators.

Pinko scum

Capitalism gives you the option to opt-out of debt by not going to college. A communist country would force everyone to go to college and accept debt. Or it might keep colleges from being profitable enough to exist and therefore erase all opportunity to accept dept. But it wouldn't give you money and a degree and that awesome life you're owed by simply existing.

Of course the commies didn't include each person's share of the national debt, which doubled after our first mulatto president screwed up our credit. Not that it matters. It's not like we're ever going to be able to pay it off. If we go down, we're taking the rest of the world with us.

Really makes you think.


Free education devalues the degree you earned. Get rid of college loans and you will have a better chance of finding a job

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Or die in the middle east. Which is nice.