Just riffin'

146  2016-12-11 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


goblin lookin ass nigga

He lives in Nilbog. (Long Island)

Wait nilbog spelled backwards is...

oh god!!


Pass play!

Godspeed, Niggerman

Holy shit he is one ugly motherfucker

He has a face that would make Quentin Tarantino's mother cringe.


confused son fucker

Just goes to show you Opie's self awareness when he kept pushing for a visual element to the show while staring at a mug like that when he's saying it.

Sir, not every ugly jewish lawyer fucked travis's mom.

And the correct term is "deep-seated" not deep-seeded. Way to lose the intellectual, as well as the moral, high-ground there, Tranth.

For all intensive purposes, his message was affectively conveyed

For all in tents & purposes

Tense and porpoises.

Holland is his first name and Oates is his last name.

We all do respect, but you're being a pre-madonna right now.


Freudian slip


Anthony Davis, Jr.

He looks particularly undead in that pic. Also, I have a sociological theory that says that out of almost all NYers perp walked wearing sports-related gear, more than 90% wear Yankees gear. You hardly ever see a guy being escorted to a precinct in Mets, Giants, Jets, Rangers, Knicks gear. It is almost always Yankees shit and usually the hat.

Damn Yankees, amiright

Alot of people of color wear yankee gear and are also criminals. Numbers game. The picture above proves my point.

why does he color his hair dark brown when it was naturally jet black? i know the answer but still.


Anthony is just mad that Sicilians are half black and not real whites. Only people with deep insecurities focus on the blacks this much. This probably also explains why he is a violent domestic abusers. It's in his genes and he can't help it.

All jokes aside; the Moors were Arabs, not blacks. They had a very small black minority, but that's completely irrelevant. That's like saying Austria is Chinese because you found a picture somewhere of a Chinese Austrian.

There's a deep seeded problem with pock marks you bunch of fucking faggots. Wash your filthy faces or you'll be exiled to Zittsburgh. Don't eat dirt either or your asshole gets all itchy.

Tony "The Ant" Cumia

Having him on top of you during intercourse must be like being fucked by this guy: http://forcedviewing.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Night-Of-The-Living-Dead-1968-Zombie-2.png

He's right tho.

Hey, a broken WOP is still right twice a day.

I get it. Thanks for capitalizing.

He's a half a nigger himself.

ugly ass nigga


How many consecutive generations of Cumias have committed felonies?

The feel I get from this subreddit is no one likes Opie or Anthony anymore.

God he fucking dresses like shit.

Dats funny

Shuddup stoopid


Ever met a nigger? He's right

No, I haven't been able to get into a TACS taping yet.

Anthony Davis, Jr.

confused son fucker