Why does Roy get airtime on ESDS?

0  2016-12-11 by greggpecker

He's horrible. He is paid for doing the job that an instrumental track can do better. Doesn't contribute anything to the show at all.

Let's push to get him removed and ESD restored as an Sirius stunt boy. I'd listen to Sam + Jim + ESD. Just hire back Black Earl as the voice of reason and you'd have a stew.


I like Roy. Fight me, nigger.

What about I just caress you to the ground and slip my poison deep into your throat? I'm sure I can give you the love that Daddy never did.

He is paid for doing the job that an instrumental track can do better.

These are the people that thought Jocktober was the height of comedy and didn't realize Opie sucked until it was pointed out to them.

Can we get some pictures of Flutesy's ass in this thread, please?

It's only fair...

Someone should make a bot that links to flutesy's ass pics/gifs anytime a Compound show is mentioned

Stop with your Roy rage! Roy is the man. If you'd have any sense at all you'd know that esd has no chance in hell to get back on Sirius.

Hasn't ESD threatened to kill Sirius employees? I think they frown upon that

He did just say he'd say that he felt apologetic to the Sirius red shirts on the show with Ronnie B and Pepper.

Sadly they won't hear it... only you, and 3 other people are watching that show..

And I wouldn't've heard about it if some other derelict from this board didn't rip the whole show.

Someone's actually pirating ESD show??? I didn't know anyone even bothered to steal Anthony's

Yeah like two days ago, someone put up a full video link of the ESD + Bennington + Pepper show on this subreddit.

They have it available on TPB too but I always forget to crib it.

I get compound media free... the website is so badly set up and run

Who fucking cares about those zilches broadcasting out of a Mastic basement?

I know, I'd rather hear Laser Time but everyone's so damn restrained now. Even the Spongebob shitposting group on Facebook will kick people for homophobic posts. Seriously, it's a shitposting group. It's not supposed to be all hunky dory and cordial.


How? He's too high 24/7 to make cogent thoughts. No matter how fucked ESD is, he can at least scream or sing himself into something that vaguely resembles radio gold.
