How can you ban Chip :(

67  2016-12-10 by Ant_Sucks


Those fucking cucks. one mod their had a circle jerk post about "sad clown comic" "and making fun of a comics looks or career will get you banned"

Fuck these self loathing white guilt new age pc open mic bombing cunts

My mudda was a saint on earth!

You don't respect a stand up subreddit that does not allow commenting on somebodys big fat appearance?


They ban everything that isn't Donald Trump bashing or left-catering humor. All of THAT is allowed. Cause that's how to foster good comedy, ban everything that could comprehensibly construed in any way "offensive."

It's ok, all it does is clear the way for the motherfuckers out there doing real shit. Why do you think Joey Diaz is so popular.

"Real comedy is subversive on some level." Queen B(onnie McFarlane)

yeah, but also "I want to fuck Rich Vos." - Bonnie McFarlane... so it's hard to take anything she says seriously

Lol, I'm convinced Vos is my friend's real father.

I posted this one, which is real, and was banned within minutes. That mod is ridiculous. Can't believe he's an actual comedian.

My Chip one was real too. Cawksuckas!


That's hilarious. When did Jim say this?

I forget, but I definitely remember him saying it too. That's a legit quote. LOL @ Hellraiser though

I think it's from that horrible promo for one of his shows that they tore apart.

The real question is, why didn't we after that animation debacle?

Fuck is the animation debacle?

Jim's attempt at branching out.

I can't see how it could go wrong. Whenever you don't like a form of entertainment it's best to make some yourself. Chip is going to revolutionize the second dimension.

Look it up. It was a fucking abortion

tsss... fawkin homerun

I found myself saying that after everything posted on that sub

Say choose more. Chew less.

Unnnh. We should drop that on Afghanistan or sumthin. Cuz it was a big bomb.

Just a little yuma for y'all :)


Jokes are always funniest when you have to google the punch line... Iv seen blade runner like 60 fuckin times I had no idea who Phillip k dick was

I think he was going for "look how smart I am" rather than funny.

A classic Dennis Miller approach

Hoo boy I'll tell ya this r/standupshots makes Stalin's purges look like the lobster incident in Annie Hall

This is the same cunt whose claim to Reddit fame is a long winded rant about WoW and then the punchline is "And now you know how I feel when you talk about sports."

Fucking yuck.

It's a bad punchline because "Blade Runner" comes from a completely different book that got mixed into the film development

He mentioned "gaslighting" so of course these faggots love it.

Next to "literally," it's the buzzword favorite of these SocJus hipsters.

6600 upvotes for that joke. 6600.

oh man, they're just so smart and witty over there.

The entire subreddit is guys posting their shitty open mic jokes. Yuck.

guys, this community is like a home away from home for me, can we please leave it alone? :( Times are tough and I need it more than EVER

Chip loves to lick the spoon when his mother makes brownies.


No, leave it alooonnneeee.


Good fucking lord that sub is shit. /r/funny has better content.

Now I don't know what to do with my onion dip cum tss

Sounds to me like that sub needs a BUNCH of Rich Vos posts!!!!!!

Nothing better than seeing a Chip wannabe get blown the fuck out.

You're not Norton, you don't have the talent. SHUT UP and listen.

This sub has passed you by.



No, leave it alooonnneeee.